Monday, October 14, 2019
Addie Accident An Analysis
Addie Accident An Analysis Abstract Disability, moralization, mental satisfaction and self-assurance are the most important aspects in the novel Addie Accident. The focus of the current study is to understand the link of prejudices and ethics with this novel. The backbone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. One hypothesis is developed to check the connection of biases and moral values with Addie Accident. This hypothesis shows that mental disability and self-confidence have significant relationship with Addie Accident. This hypothesis is developed from literature review and we have also proved it with the help of critical study. Results conclude that Addie Accident is based on moralization as its end is justified in the sense that it elevates the social status of mentally sick people. Introduction Our everyday actions and interactions can influence people in many ways especially to those people who need our attention and support to survive in society and to live happily. The position of immobilized people in a society is not as standardized as the status of other people is because they are considered inferior to other folks who are normal and mental sickness is one of the agonizing human states. In this way, there is a desperate need to assemble certainty and quality in these people on every ground. The primary center of my exploration is to give consideration with respect to those rationally debilitated individuals who are overlooked from society. As, these people have their own specific rights and wishes however when they are disposed of from society, they get to be irregular and act in an uncalled for way. Such people cant defy the unforgiving circumstances of life as they are nonappearance of fortitude and quality. While discussing this issue, I have picked up a novel Addie Accident by Shirley Corlett which is by one means or another reveals profound quality in the public eye towards those individuals who by the stroke of fortunes dependably get snared in their own particular activities and exercises and after that are being censured by the others. But we cannot deny this fact that there are always two sides of picture. So here in this novel, there is only one character and that is Hubert who helps Addie. In addition, Addie Accident is an interesting novel flooded with fiascos and enterprises. Notwithstanding how hard Addie tries, mishaps simply appear to appear to her. However, in this novel profound quality offers us in light of the fact that at last, Addie assembles her certainty through one of her companions Hubert-the hapless who is likewise similar to her. He is conceived unfortunate as his name demonstrates this. He helps Addie in recapturing her certainty and quality. We can likewise say that both are conceived unfortunate as Addies dad says Our little Addie was conceived under an evil wind (12). However both Addie and Hubert turn into the cure of each other in the essential circumstance of their lives. In this way Hubert shows the factual side of the novel. So, in this paper I would like to explore how the characters except Hubert show their prejudices towards Addie in the novel? What is the role of ethics in Addie Accident? How Addie becomes an escapist in the novel? How does Hubert help Addie to get rid of her schizophrenia? Therefore, the basic theory which supports my contention is of The role of positive emotions in positive psychology by Barbara L. Fredrickson. The theory and findings acclaim that the ability to experience positive feelings may be a fundamental human quality principle to the study of human prospering. Understanding the psychology behind others exercises is a critical step with the objective that debilitated people can be propelled to encounter their lives as they wish to live. In this way, we ought to help these incapacitated individuals in developing such qualities as self-assurance, force, quality and resolution and so forth in them which may empower them to interface with alternate people and they may work and show their capability openly in the group with no trepidation of feeling of inadequacy. Literature Review The novel Addie Accident is based on ethical values and biases. The main protagonist of the novel Addie is unlucky, who is not crippled in physical sense but mentally. Things always go wrong when she intends to do anything. This leads to a serious gap in her personality and it is the main reason of her schizophrenia while such person cannot face the bitter realities of life and then he becomes unable to cope with society. People do not behave such persons in a way they should be rather they tease them and as a result, handicapped people find some other ways to pacify themselves just as Addies imaginary friends. Then a boy comes whose name is Hubert, helps her to get out of this situation and her misery. She is not physically disabled rather mentally unfit and she is born ill-fated while this is also the main tragic flaw in her personality. In the end of the novel, she builds her confidence through the help of Hubert and as a result, she becomes able to see the world with a new glance and a new perspective. In this way, ethics have been shown in this novel because the ending of Addie Accident is justified as there is an element of moralization and confidence. Behaviors towards incapacity must be known as the consequence of scientists working inside a structure that has officially made true blue the relationship between an analyst on handicap and crippled individuals. Thus, we should help these handicapped people to create such qualities as self-confidence, power, strength and will power etc. in them which may enable them to interact with the other folks and they may work and function freely in the community without any fear of inferiority complex. As, Bentham says, Everybody realizes that joy is a high esteem in present day society. Not just do individuals go for bliss in their own particular life, yet there is additionally bolster for we ought to administer to the joy of other individuals who are candidly and physically feeble in some way or another and that administrations ought to go for making more prominent joy for a more noteworthy number of subjects (Bentham 1789). McDowell and Newell (1987: 204) portray life-fulfillment as a Personal assessment of ones condition compared to an external reference standard or to ones aspirations. Moreover, Shin and Johnson (1978: 478) characterize life-fulfillment as a global assessment of a persons quality of life according to his chosen criteria. Fordyce (227) says Happiness is a particular emotion. It is an overall evaluation made by the individual in accounting all his pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the recent past. Chekolas (202) defines happiness as realization of a life-plan and the absence of seriously felt dissatisfaction and an attitude of being displeased with or disliking ones life. Similarly Sumner (145-146) states being happy as having a certain kind of positive attitude toward your life, which in the fullest form has both a cognitive and an affective component. The cognitive aspect of happiness consists in a positive evaluation of your life, a judgment that at least on balance; it measures up favorably against your standard or expectationsThe affective side of happiness consists in what we commonly call a sense of well-being, finding your life enriching or rewarding or feeling satisfied or fulfilled by it. (67) So Addie wants to live happily but she is disabled mentally and in this way she has no right in a society because crippled people are the lowest folks among any society. Nobody behaves to them in a proper way rather normal ones tease them and realize handicapped people that they are not fit for society. Being a mentally crippled girl, she should have her own rights and values which may help her to cope with society. Similarly, mentally sick people like Addie need special care and attention. Every member of society should pay heed to such abnormal persons. They should not have been victimized of frustration, annoyance, depression and above all inferiority complex. People with scholarly inabilities, then again, are frequently judged to have the sort of mental deformity that alleviates their risk. Shoemaker (2009) recommends, Individuals with mild intellectual disabilities are eligible for accountability primarily just by those with whom they already find themselves emotionally engaged, such as family, friends and caregivers. The reason for this, he argues, is that their developmental capacities have been limited to the stage of concrete operations. (455) In this manner, they cant acknowledge theoretical standards about common acknowledgment and responsibility among kindred individuals from the ethical group. Shoemaker subsequently says: Due to their cognitive capacities, persons with mild intellectual disabilities are able to appreciate only the concrete appeals from those they care about while often being unable to respond emotionally and morally in a proper way to the appeals of strangers. This notion could well be applied to most people because it appears to be a part of human condition that we tend to favor morally beings emotionally close to us (161). A journal Impaired individuals encounters of against social conduct and badgering in social lodging: a basic survey informs: A number of studies have looked at levels of harassment and victimization amongst disabled people. It is not always possible from the studies to be precise about the behavior which is involved as a number of terms are used: harassment, victimization, bullying. Nonetheless a consistent picture emerges from them all of very high rates of susceptibility to behaviour which falls within the definition of anti social social behaviour, and which is often targeted at people because of their impairment(07). Wood and Edward say Studies found extremely high levels of harassment and victimization for this group ranging between 47% and 60% of respondents having been a victim of some form of harassment.(205). Thurgood and Hames (1999) shown that16% had been hit by neighbours. (23). In the 2004 DRC(Disability Rights Commission) study over the scope of impedances, 73% of respondents reported having been verbally assaulted and 35% physically assaulted. Predominance was most elevated however amongst those with emotional well-being conditions. In the GLA study half had endured mishandle or tormenting. Kelly and Mckenna reveal Given the higher rates of disability amongst tenants of social landlords, and the indications in the research reported here, there is a need for a more comprehensive assessment of how social landlords respond to and encourage confidence in victims of anti social behaviour who are disabled.(74) Harassment is regularly depicted as a customized type of anti social conduct, i.e. it is coordinated at the specific casualty. This may happen on account of a particular normal for the casualty, for example, race or sexuality or, handicap. Glason says Disabled people are more likely to become harassed for simply standing out more, with people with the most visible impairments tending to be at even greater risk. Irresponsible media portrayals of disabled people have been roundly condemned in some quarters for exacerbating the problem. (19) As, DRC has presented a report which claims: It would appear that many disabled people have little confidence in the current options available to them for confronting and resolving harassment. Fear often makes them reluctant to report harassment. Disabled people lacked confidence in agencies such as the police or social housing providers to resolve problems relating to harassment or victimization. (DRC/ Capability Scotland, 2004). Finkelstein says it is society which handicaps debilitated individuals by not giving satisfactory offices to their complete coordination (32). He proceeds to propose a reversal of the wording used by Harris I recommend changing the meaning of the words impairment and handicap around. Along these lines a man is debilitated when he is socially kept from full investment by the way society is masterminded (19). Another debilitated essayist has recommended the definition ought not to be based upon insufficiency but rather just on the level of belittling or separation they encounter on the premise of their physical condition (17). While clearly such a contemplated a considerable measure of discourse and common contention, reality remains that any try at course of action must make note of the points of view of the crippled themselves. In actuality the inaugural meeting of the Disabled Peoples International, addressing more than fifty nations, starting late rejected the International Classif ication of Impairment, ineptitudes and Handicap proposed by the World Health Organization (1980). Thats why crippled people have to face many problems because they are considered less than normal human beings. As a result they become the victim of inferiority complex, depression, anger and frustration. But in spite of all this, disabled folks should be given their proper rights and values. They should not be underestimated by teasing about their physical or mental condition or weaknesses rather every person of society ought to encourage and help them. They must be given special attention so that they may not consider themselves low. The distinction is that some individuals with incapacities require this bolster all the more seriously, in more aspects of their life and for more periods. Research methodology The purpose of this study is to find out predispositions and moralization in the novel and their relationship with Addie. To achieve the research purpose, secondary sources have been used to collect the data. Secondly, we have reviewed related theory to explain that the novel Addie Accident has both the elements of prejudices and morality in this sense that Addie, central character of the novel is suffering from schizophrenia. She is a victim of bullies because everything becomes topsy-turvy when she wants to do something. But in the end, in spite of all this, she builds her confidence with the help of her friend Hubert who helps her to get rid of being accident prone. Then she becomes able to see everything according to her own viewpoint. Theory of the role of positive emotions in positive psychology by a psychologist Dr. Barbara L. Fredrickson supports this study. This theory expresses that specific discrete constructive feelings-including bliss, interest, contentment, pride, and l ove-despite the fact that phenomenological particular, all share the capacity to expand individuals flashing thought-activity collections and assemble their persisting individual assets, extending from physical and scholarly assets to social and psychological assets. We have chosen qualitative research method as it is concerned with the explanation of social phenomena, the world in which we live, its social aspects and why things are in the way they are. Secondary data comprised of published research, internet material and academic research has been used. Critical study In the book Addie Accident, a girl named Addie is mentally sick because no matter how hard Addie tries, mishaps just seem to happen to her. She is Bullied at school when one of the boys says, you clumsy dumbo! (09). When she receives such remarks, tears of anger burn in her heart and she begins to hate those big bullies. Later on she gets entangled her head between the railings of her school and then injures. Upon this, instead of helping her to get out of her head between the railings, her teacher Miss Forrest arrives and says, Common sense flies out the window when one is dealing with Addie Harris. She has to be the most accident-prone child Ive ever known. (11) after this when her dad comes back to his house, his face wears a look of apprehension and resignation. After a while, he says, the jinx has hit again. Our little Addie was born under an ill wind. (12) Her mother always encourages her with this notion that one day Addie will get rid of all these things and she does not scold her. She hugs Addie and says, Dont look so glum, love. Its not the end of the world. Why dont you write me a story? I love your stories. Theyre so imaginative. (12) Anyone thinks that she does things on purpose. She gets the blame for everything and it is not fair. Addies sister, Candice also hates her because she always creates chaos which is not her fault but due to her mental disability. It is said about her sister, everything embarrassed Candice, especially anything her younger sister did. (13) Candice and including everyone becomes to hate her, she scares people and kids steer clear, either of their own accord or because their parents order them to. Candice says to Addie, youre a magnet for accidents (17). Addie has her own special friends that no one else knows about. Friends she can pluck out of her head. Friends who love to play with her. Using her imagination is the only other thing apart from walking on her hands that Addie is good at. It is a place where shadows fall where they shouldnt where ripples move leaves when there is no breeze and where whisper fills empty spaces. It is the door to imagination land, where her imaginary friends live. As Shirley says in the book, This was her place! This was where imagination land existed. There were no adults, no teachers, no teasing kids or bullies like Georgina and Leah to pick on her. This was her very own world, complete with her very own sovereign. Enchantress Chu. (21) Addies friends are always keen to follow her in the adventurous schemes she makes. They never betray, never blame, never laugh, scoff or scold. And most special of all is that imagination land is a place where accidents are unheard of. Her imagination land makes her feel scummy. Her Miss Forrest says to her, There were two sides to a brain. There was the logical side and the dream side. You used the logical side for normal everyday use, but when you wrote stories you swapped over to the dream side because thats where your imagination lived. Addie used the dream side of her brain lots more than she used the logical side (23). Addies imagination is the source for producing ideas. No ideas and then there will be no imaginary friends. And without them, life is super lonely. But what she actually needs is a friend like herself, an accident-prone friend. One who will sympathize her and that sort of friend who will never desert her. Although it is much harder to imagine someone like herself. Then one day she encounters such friend in real life whose name is Hubert the hapless. Addie asks him, Whats hapless mean? And he says: Means unfortunate. Everything I touch turns bad. Im hopeless at everything. Everyones scared of me. Everyone hates me. Im forever in trouble. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time. (41) It is as he has described her but Addie does not believe this and questions Hubert whether he is really exist or he is mere her imagination. Upon this, Hubert says, Im Hubert the hapless. Your soul mate and Im like you. (41) Then both Addie and Hubert become friends. He informs her that soon they will get rid of their ill-luck by doing special kind of charms and Hubert says, We work together at curing ourselves. (50) In this way both prove therapeutic partners for each other. Hubert helps Addie in building her confidence so that she may live her life as she expected to live. Then Addie says to Hubert when they both finish their charm, I finally did something right. Everyone says Im brave (212). And then Hubert states, Things are different now. Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that is weà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦can make decisions for ourselves. We dont need to blame everyone else for the trouble we get into. Weve learned to be responsible for our own actions. (213) later on both talk each other for a while and then Hubert begins to leave by saying, Now I can live in your imagination land forever (226). And then he disappears. As a result of all this, Addie gains her self-confidence and becomes a confident girl. And now her psychic disorder has been cured. Conclusion The nitty and gritty of the whole discussion is that society can and ought to do all conceivable to take out building hindrances in the method for handicapped individuals. There is a great deal that should be possible to change this, including better instruction; guaranteeing there are more open doors for impaired individuals and individuals why should handicapped have constructive connections; and empowering more constructive depictions of inability and incapacitated individuals in the media. End of provocation of incapacitated individuals is additionally a fundamental stride that is identified with their handicap. Old generalizations and mistaken assumptions of handicap should be supplanted by new social developments. Everybody must advance inspirational states of mind towards debilitated individuals. As this research paper has shown, most of the issues connected with mental inabilities are socially built and in that capacity are the honest to goodness topic of this order. The certainty remains that the personal satisfaction experienced by the larger part of impeded individuals in current society is impressively lower than that delighted in by their capable counterparts. Along these lines, expanding individual contact with individuals with handicaps by supporting them to get to instruction, livelihood and social exercises on an equivalent balance with other people may end up being the most critical and evenhanded of intercessions. This will be done through inspecting instruction and vocation strategies and handling the obstructions that counteract individuals with incapacities getting to fitting training and job opportunities and taking part in social life.
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