Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11
Management - Essay Example Competing values framework for psychological states defines appropriate behavior that has to be upheld during negotiations. During negotiations, there is the existence of conflicting cultures that may co-exist due to different characteristics of the management team (Drucker, 2012). This should be appropriately handled during negotiations. Refers to the mastery of the knowledge and skills required to enhance sustained success in the current changing business environment. This means that the leaders of the company in negotiations should carefully highlights and extensively consider the scope of competency they have. The leaders to be chosen during the negotiations should be having immense skills and experience needed to propel their respective companies to greater heights. This wills enhance their business competitiveness in the current times of stiff global competition. (Drucker, 2012). The agenda for personal leadership improvement helps the company to use small innovations that can be proven directly, to come up with products of higher quality faster. This will totally enhance customer advantage as they are currently asking for faster and higher quality products than ever before (Drucker,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Argument For The Existence Of God
Argument For The Existence Of God Spinozas Ethics is organised into a deductive format that reveals the necessary connections between the propositions. The geometrical method contributes to a necessary and indubitable outcome that God necessarily exists and this will be an absolute truth. The Ethics geometrical method is based after Euclids work where the demonstration of every proposition uses definitions, axioms and only propositions that have been already established. I will be focusing on whether the definitions are real or nominal as this is the main source of controversy on what the geometrical method contributes to the existence of God. I will be arguing that the definitions are real and constructive therefore the geometrical method contributes to a logical argument for the existence of God. Proposition 11 is the first proposition where God is mentioned and this proposition contains three demonstrations for Gods existence. The first demonstration is the ontological argument which tries to deduce the existence of God from concepts. It states that it is impossible to conceive of God not existing. This is because God is defined as a substance consisting of an infinity of attributes (ID6) and it has already been proven that it pertains to the nature of a substance to exist (IP7). Therefore because of the geometrical method all Spinoza has to do is substitute God for substance to show that God necessarily exists. To say that God does not exist is to say that it is not in Gods essence to exist but this is absurd as we have seen the nature of a substance is to exist and God is a substance. Spinoza has already demonstrated that if things have nothing in common with one and other, one of them cannot be the cause of the other (IP3), in nature there cannot be two of the same substances of the same nature or attribute (IP5) and two substances with different attributes have nothing in common (IP2). Thus it logically follows that one substance cannot be produced by another substance (IP6). As a substance is prior to its affections, this means that they cannot produce a substance. Therefore it pertains to the nature of a substance to exist (IP7). By definition God is a substance which means it pertains to the nature of God to exist so God necessarily exists. As it is evident from this example, the geometrical method allows Spinoza to state Gods existence as an unquestionable matter of fact without room for reasonable disagreement with his logical conclusion. It contributes the ability to show persuasively how one proposition follows from another, leading to clear and distinct necessary truths which are not contingent but are absolute and objective. It shows a rigid mathematical necessity which doesnt rely on our experiences and eliminates human ignorance. Moreover nothing relies on unproven claims or assumptions that might make the argument for the existence of God incorrect. The geometrical method for the existence of God is undeniable only if we agree with the definitions and axioms. If we do then we will find it difficult (but not impossible) to not agree with Spinozas conclusion. I will focus on Spinozas definitions as they are the bedrock of his method. Whether the geometrical method contributes to a logical argument for the existence of God depends on whether Spinozas definitions are nominal or real. Nominal definitions are what is meant by a word or thought in a concept thus they can be nothing about reality. They are merely stipulative, have no truth value and can be arbitrary. Whereas real definitions explain a thing as it is outside of the understanding , they are actually defining something. They have truth values as they are accurate representations of a thing. If the definitions are nominal then the geometrical method for Gods existence is weak as the ontological argument relies on the definition of God yet this definition will not be saying anything about God in reality. But I believe that Spinozas definitions are real definition and define something that actually is. Therefore the geometrical method contributes to a logical argument for the existence of God. One claim by R. J. Delahunty is that the definitions must be nominal not real if they are to be intelligible. Delahunty argues that the definitions have to be nominal because of the form of the definitions, for example By I understand Another claim is mentioned in Spinozas letter to Simon De Vries, which states that the truth of the conclusion that one deduces from the definitions is not changed by the definitions being arbitrary or even false. This could mean that Spinoza is trying to deduce Gods existence from some basic but not certain truths. I will argue against these points as I believe we should not look at the geometrical method of the Ethics in this way as it does contribute to Gods existence. To refute the first claim about the definitions being nominal because of their phrasing I will turn to P. Basile who disputes Delahuntys argument. He believes that Spinoza has done this so that we think understand the definitions in the same way as he does. Basile refers to Spinozas second letter to Oldenburg where Spinoza explains that is possible to use real definitions and still phrase them in the way he does: The definition of God is true appears from the fact, that by God we mean a Being supremely perfect and absolutely infinite. Thus the definition of God as having infinite attributes is not in oppositions to our definition of God. Basile concludes that the second letter suggests Spinozas definitions would be an analysis of the ordinary conception of God as an infinite being. Therefore Spinozas definitions are real and give a clarified version of our idea of God, contributing to a strong argument for the existence of God. To refute the second claim I will refer to Steven Nadler. He believes that this is not the correct interpretation of the Ethics as Spinoza is demonstrating truth; the Ethics is about reality. The definitions are not nominal as the arguments are not that if you assume for the sake of the argument what the definitions mean then God necessarily exists. Rather he is saying that this is how the definitions should be understood, if defined truly therefore God necessarily exists. Spinoza in Treatise on the Emendation of the Intellect states that mathematicians know the real definition of a figure when they are able to construct a figure; this is a constructive definition. Spinoza describes the notion of a sphere to a student by saying that a semicircle is rotated around a centre. While a sphere has not actually been constructed in this way, imagining it has can help us understand the mathematical definition of a sphere. If this is applied to the definition of God then it could be seen as constructive because it demonstrates which concepts we need to construct together to achieve a correct metaphysical notion of the Diety, one that is wholly purged of misleading association inherited from tradition, prejudices, or false metaphysics. This idea would account for phrases such as byI understand This would also be compatible with the idea that to understand God is to have clear concepts of a real thing. Thus a constructive definition leads us to understand what som ething is. Just as the semicircle helps us to understand the sphere, the definition helps us to understand God. As the geometrical method uses these constructive definitions, through proposition 11 and the definitions of substance and God, the reader is helped to understand that God necessarily exists. Moreover, Spinoza shows the difference between a nominal definition of a circle a figure in which the lines drawn from the centre to the circumference are equal and constructive as the figure that is described by any line of which one end is fixed and the other movable. The constructive definition not the nominal definition shows us how a circle can be constructed and because of this we can derive at its essential properties. Spinoza believes that this can be applied to reality and that we can have a real idea about something through its causes: Knowledge of the effect is nothing but acquiring a more perfect knowledge of its causes. Henry Allison states that either we find ourselves involved in an infinite regress, which would lead to hopeless scepticism, or the chain of reasoning must be grounded in a single principle. This principle is the causa-sui as everything must be explained by it and its essence must involve existence. Therefore the geometrical method contributes to the definition of God and this definition includes God necessarily existence. In conclusion, I believe that Nadler and Basile arguments for the definition of the Ethics to be real and constructive are correct. As they are real definition, the ontological argument in proposition 11 is based in reality therefore contributes to a logical argument for the existence of God. As the definitions are constructive, the geometrical method contributes to constructing the right concepts together to have a clear concept of a God who exists. Moreover, because the definitions are constructive the geometrical method contributes to us deriving at Gods essential properties of God, one of these being existence.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Progression of Human Rights Throughout History Essay -- American A
The strides that have been taken regarding human rights have made it impossible to forget the many memorable landmarks throughout history. Events dealing with civil liberties are especially important in the United States. The Revolutionary War and the passage of the nineteenth amendment are two such occurrences. The history of both the United States and human rights has not come without a fight. Americans have adapted to changes in living styles which allowed the country to battle through shifting times in order to survive. One of the first instances of the evolution of rights is made apparent in the expressions of Plato in the story Crito. Plato was accustomed to politics in the Athenian world; however, he chose to excel in philosophy. Plato believed that knowledge demonstrated truth and goodness in all people. In Crito, Socrates uses his knowledge as he attempts to explain to Crito that he must serve his prison sentence. Socrates believed that if he disapproved of the law in which he broke, he had ample time to do something about it, but he chose to live and abide by the rules and therefore must suffer the consequences to carry out true justice. During the time of Socrates, the people and the government went hand-in-hand; they were in agreement. If a person chose to reside in a city, it meant that that individual decided to follow and carry out all laws that had previously been enforced by the government. The city of Athens provided education, protection, and the mere existence of life to Socrates. In return, he was under the idea that he was required to serve his community. Since Socrates had accepted the Athenian culture into his life, he believed that he should be punished for committing wrongful acts against the city’... Locke, John. â€Å"The Second Treatise of Civil Government.†Translated by Jawaid Bazyar Online. Internet. Jan. 1999. Available. Plato. The Trials of Socrates. â€Å"Crito.†Translated by Reeve, C. D. C.. 2002 edition: p62-78. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies.†Indiana University School of Law in Bloomington. Online. Internet. April 2002. Available. edu/uslawdocs/declaration.html. â€Å"The Virginia Declaration of Rights.†From Revolution to Reconstruction. Online. Internet. March 2003. Available. â€Å"Universal Declaration of Human Rights.†Department of Public Information. Online. Internet. Dec. 1998. Available.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Lonely Planet Case Study Ch 3 E-Commerce
Lonely Planet Case Study 1. Prepare a report in which you analyze the marketing channel conflicts and cannibalization issues that Lonely Planet faces as it is currently operating. Suggest solutions that might reduce the revenue losses or operational frictions that result from these issues. I feel that Lonely Planet is one big channel conflict. When they first started the company it wasn’t really an issue. The fact that they have grown so much and integrated themselves into many different markets makes it harder to reduce the channel conflict or cannibalization.There is a certain point, during your expansion processes, which you reach when you dive into as many markets that Lonely Planet has. I feel if they wish to reduce revenue losses due to channel conflict and cannibalization they should slim down certain aspects of their company. As Lonely Planet is currently operating they are selling hard copy books through their website and retail resellers. Along with this they have al so started selling their guides as e-books for the Kindle.This poses the threat of both channel conflict and cannibalization. In order to stay competitive with other guide book company’s they will have to reduce the price of their products. If they don’t do this across the board, they will be undercutting their retail resellers. In order to reduce revenue losses or operational frictions that result from said issues, I feel Lonely Planet could update their revenue model to incorporate all of their products into one. The best option for this is the Advertising-Subscription mixed revenue model.This model would allow Lonely Planet to increase revenue while decreasing channel conflict and cannibalization. By using the subscription based part of the mixed revenue model, they would be charging a subscription fee for both their website services but also their traveler magazine. The subscribers pay the fee and accept a certain level of advertising in the process. By using the a dvertising based part of the mixed revenue model they can increase revenue by selling advertising space in their magazines and on their website.This revenue model makes the most sense for their products. 2. Prepare a list of new products that Lonely Planet might introduce to take advantage of Internet technologies (including wireless technologies for mobile devices) and address customers’ concerns about the timeliness and currency of information in the printed travel guides. Briefly describe any problems that Lonely Planet will face as it introduces these new products. There are several different features that Lonely Planet could pursue with their business to take advantage of new technologies. . Lonely Planet could expand the information sections of their website to incorporate events happening around the world that could entice people to travel to. b. After looking into Lonely Planet’s App on their website and the reviews incorporated with it, I feel they should incr ease funding to their App development to increase functionality, usefulness, and ability to download the App, which tended to be the most griped about issues. c.Lonely planet could expand their e-book aspect to be compatible with all the tablets on the market thus increasing sales. d. Reduce the guides focus from countries to cities in order to make use of limited memory handheld devices Some of the main issues that may arise during the creation of these features include: 1. They will have to increase funding to their App department as stated above 2. They will have to increase their global awareness in order to be in the know about world events 3.They would have to increase the compatibility of their electronic versions of their guides. 4. Converting their current guide layout from country to city would be a cumbersome task as well. 3. Many loyal Lonely Planet customers carry their travel guides (which can be several hundred pages thick) with them as they travel around the world. I n many cases, these customers do not use large portions of the travel guides.Also, Internet access can be a problem for many of these customers while they are traveling. Describe a product(s) that might address this customer concern and also yield additional revenue for Lonely Planet. Your answer here could build on ideas that you developed in your solution to part 2 As aforementioned, Lonely Planet could expand their electronic versions of their guides to increase the portability and ease of use of them.They could also create slimmer more portable and functional printed guides with just the most important portions present. Both of these would be viable replacements for the thick cumbersome guides. This would also address the limited Internet access of their traveling customers, because they would already have the guides downloaded to their device for ease of use. Another avenue I feel that they could pursue is a partnership with all the different airlines to carry their traveler ma gazine on board for reading.It would help them increase revenue by selling in bulk to the airlines, and at the same time increase the product awareness to their primary customer base. One final avenue I feel they could pursue is partnerships with many different App companies to integrate their Apps together to increase the functionality of the Lonely Planet App. Some of the apps that would be relevant to include in conjunction with their own would be an airline ticket, currency converters, destination reviews, and some sort of Voip calling service.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hunting Snake by Judith Wright Essay
First of all remember that we would never know what exactly the poet is trying to mention and non of the comments can said to be ‘wrong’ Great black snake represents the aborigin people in Australia and the person who gets scared of this snake is an English occupier. The word ‘black’ is simply you can understand that it means black people and snake is a wild animal who lives on their own land but humans are the occupiers and the writer at the same time fears and admires the snake while the snake ‘fled’ which mean the snake is also afraid of the people. As you can understand in present time, English people have started moving to Australia in order to get that place and the aborigins, the original people of Australia is being ignored at the same time we admire them but this admire is so extreme and unnecessary that we make them feel like they’re wild animals. And if you ever go to Australia, you would see that the tour guides would show the local people of Australia, the aborigins with their hands and we would admire them but we will never chat with them or have any talk between as we are scared and this is also the way we treat the wild animals. In the first stanza, we can see a perfect Picture of the atmosphere. The sky is in ‘gentlest’ way despite when the person sees that ‘great’ ‘black’ snake, we can understand that with using the word ‘great’, person admires the snake. But why is the word ‘black’ is used? As you can understand the color black represents darkness which humans fear. Also don’t we talk about racism, the ‘black’ and white people. We treat the black people as the same way, we act like they’re aliens, like they’re different from us and also we show an unnecessary amount of admire which makes them more alienated.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
October Sky Essays - American People Of German Descent, Laura Dern
October Sky Essays - American People Of German Descent, Laura Dern October Sky How about I believe in the unlucky ones? If I don't I'd probably go crazy.(Laura Dern, October Sky) This could arguably be the most important line in the entire movie, in my opinion. This teacher recognizes the potential in every student, not only the ones with visible ability. This, I would hope, would be the goal of every teacher. Teachers have the greatest gift in the world - - the ability to help shape a student's life. Recognized and appreciated he or she can use that to present a world of opportunities to those who may not have had any. This was true in October Sky; the Rocket Boys were from a small failing mining community, where little expectations were placed on them and even less opportunities were available. When Dern's character was accused of giving the boys false hopes she held her grounds and continued to support the boys. This to me is an example of a great teacher, one who will continue to do what he or she thinks is right regardless of whether it earns her the disapproval of the rest of the staff. The movie October Sky gives a very positive representation of a teacher. She is a role model, a friend, a source of information, a defender, and a fighter. She is portrayed as compassionate, understanding, and very beneficial in keeping the students directed toward their goals. This would seem to say that teachers need these qualities in order to fully relate to their students. A teacher can not only be there for informational needs, but must also stand behind her students and be prepared to defend their rights to discover themselves. A teacher should be prepared to recognize hidden potential; it is in almost every student. This is a difficult task, especially if the student also brings great adversity, however, it is not impossible; Dern's character realized this. Every teacher will have a student in his or her classroom with hidden ability; despite the student's possibility for greatness, the great teacher will be measured by her ability to see the potential inside that student.
Monday, October 21, 2019
René Descartes Proofs of Gods Existence
Renà © Descartes Proofs of Gods Existence Renà © Descartes (1596-1650) Proofs of Gods Existence is a series of arguments that he posits in his 1641 treatise (formal philosophical observation) Meditations on First Philosophy, first appearing in Meditation III. of God: that He exists. and discussed in more depth in Meditation V: Of the essence of material things, and, again, of God, that He exists. Descartes is known for these original arguments that hope to prove Gods existence, but later philosophers have often critiqued his proofs as being too narrow and relying on a very suspect premise (Hobbes) that an image of God exists within mankind. In any case, understanding them is essential to understanding Descartes later work Principles of Philosophy (1644) and his Theory of Ideas. The structure of Meditations on First Philosophy - whos translated subtitle reads in which the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are demonstrated - is fairly straightforward. It begins with a letter of dedication to The Sacred Faculty of Theology in Paris, where he submitted it originally in 1641, a preface to the reader, and finally a synopsis of the six meditations that would follow. The rest of the treatise is meant to be read as if each Meditation takes place a day after the one prior. Dedication and Preface In the dedication, Descartes implores the University of Paris (Sacred Faculty of Theology) to protect and keep his treatise and posit the method he hopes to ascribe to assert the claim of Gods existence philosophically rather than theologically. In order to do this, Descartes posits he must make an argument that avoids critics accusations that the proof relies on circular reasoning. In proving the existence of God from a philosophical level, he would be able to appeal to non-believers as well. The other half of the method relies on his ability to demonstrate that man is sufficient to discover God on his own, which is indicated in the Bible and other such religious scriptures as well. Fundaments of the Argument In preparation of the main claim, Descartes discerns thoughts could be divided into three kinds of operations of thought: will, passions and judgment. The first two cannot be said to be true or false, as they do not pretend to represent the way things are. Only among judgments, then, can we find those sorts of thoughts representing something as existing outside of us. Descartes examines his thoughts again to discover which are components of judgment, narrowing his ideas into three types: innate, adventitious (coming from the outside) and fictional (produced internally). Now, adventitious ideas could have been created by Descartes himself. Although they do not depend on his will, he might have a faculty producing them, like the faculty that produces dreams. That is, of those ideas that are adventitious, it might be that we produce them even if we do not do so willingly, as it happens when we are dreaming. Fictional ideas, too, could have clearly been created by Descartes himself. For Descartes, all ideas had a formal and objective reality and consisted of three metaphysical principles. The first, nothing comes from nothing, holds that in order for something to exist, something else must have created it. The second holds very much the same concept around formal versus objective reality, stating that more cannot come from less. However, the third principle states that more objective reality cannot come from less formal reality, limiting the objectivity of the self from affecting the formal reality of others Finally, he posits that there is a hierarchy of beings that can be divided into four categories: material bodies, humans, angels, and God. The only perfect being, in this hierarchy, is God with angels being of pure spirit yet imperfect, humans being a mix of material bodies and spirit, which are imperfect, and material bodies, which are simply called imperfect. Proof of Gods Existence With those preliminary theses at hand, Descartes dives into examining the philosophical possibility of Gods existence in his Third Meditation. He breaks this evidence down into two umbrella categories, called proofs, whose logic is relatively easy to follow. In the first proof, Descartes argues that, by evidence, he is an imperfect being who has an objective reality including the notion that perfection exists and therefore has a distinct idea of a perfect being (God, for example). Further, Descartes realizes that he is less formally real than the objective reality of perfection and therefore there has to be a perfect being existing formally from whom his innate idea of a perfect being derives wherein he could have created the ideas of all substances, but not the one of God. The second proof then goes on to question who it is then that keeps him - having an idea of a perfect being - in existence, eliminating the possibility that he himself would be able to do. He proves this by saying that he would owe it to himself, if he were his own existence maker, to have given himself all sorts of perfections. The very fact that he is not perfect means he would not bear his own existence. Similarly, his parents, who are also imperfect beings, could not be the cause of his existence since they could not have created the idea of perfection within him. That leaves only a perfect being, God, that would have had to exist to create and be constantly recreating him. Essentially, Descartes proofs rely on the belief that by existing, and being born an imperfect being (but with a soul or spirit), one must, therefore, accept that something of more formal reality than ourselves must have created us. Basically, because we exist and are able to think ideas, something must have created us.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Chemical or Molecular Formula for Glucose
Chemical or Molecular Formula for Glucose The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6 or H-(CO)-(CHOH)5-H. Its empirical or simplest formula is CH2O, which indicates there are two hydrogen atoms for each carbon and oxygen atom in the molecule. Glucose is the sugar that is produced by plants during photosynthesis and that circulates in the blood of people and other animals as an energy source. Glucose is also known as dextrose, blood sugar, corn sugar, grape sugar, or by its IUPAC systematic name (2R,3S,4R,5R)-2,3,4,5,6-Pentahydroxyhexanal. Key Glucose Facts The name glucose comes from the French and Greek words for sweet, in reference to must, which is the sweet first press of grapes when they are used to make wine. The -ose ending in glucose indicates the molecule is a carbohydrate.Because glucose has 6 carbon atoms, it is classified as a hexose. Specifically, it is an example of an aldohexose. It is a type of monosaccharide or simple sugar. It may be found in either linear form or cyclic form (most common).The hydrogen and -OH groups are able to rotate around the carbon atoms in glucose, leading to isomerization. The D-isomer, D-glucose, is found in nature and is used for cellular respiration in plants and animals. The L-isomer, L-glucose, is not common in nature, although it may be prepared in a lab.Pure glucose is a white or crystalline powder with a molar mass of 180.16 grams per mole and density of 1.54 grams per cubic centimeter. The melting point of the solid depends on whether it is in the alpha or beta conformation. The mel ting point of Î ±-D-glucose is 146  °C (295  °F; 419 K). The melting point of Î ²-D-glucose is 150  °C (302  °F; 423 K). Why do organisms use glucose for respiration and fermentation rather than another carbohydrate? The reason is probably that glucose is less likely to react with the amine groups of proteins. The reaction between carbohydrates and proteins, called glycation, is a natural part of aging and consequence of some diseases (e.g., diabetes) that impairs the functioning of proteins. In contrast, glucose may be enzymatically added to proteins and lipids via the process of glycosylation, which forms active glycolipids and glycoproteins.In the human body, glucose supplies about 3.75 kilocalories of energy per gram. It is metabolized into carbon dioxide and water, producing energy in chemical form as ATP. While its needed for many functions, glucose is particularly important because it supplies nearly all the energy for the human brain.Glucose has the most stable cyclic form of all the aldohexoses because nearly all of its hydroxy group (-OH) are in the equatorial position. The exception is the h ydroxy group on the anomeric carbon. Glucose is soluble in water, where it forms a colorless solution. It also dissolves in acetic acid, but only slightly in alcohol.The glucose molecule was first isolated in 1747 by the German chemist Andreas Marggraf, who obtained it from raisins. Emil Fischer investigated the structure and properties of the molecule, earning the 1902 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Comparative analyisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comparative analyisis - Essay Example Conley comes out with a harsh and firm tone that human cloning should not be practiced as it does interfere with God’s creation. Professor Ian Wilmut is polite and puts himself on the hot seat to defend the practice. He remains objective and asks hard questions that if couples have been denied the right to procreate naturally what would be the ill effect of trying out new technology like human cloning. (Wilmut,2007). The topic on human cloning has brushed shoulders with the high political icons and religious leaders. The ethical part has hit many headlines in media world and eye brows rose on in its interference with the natural process of human creation. Wilmut has remained extremely aggressive and has an ego driven attitude towards the whole process and the perception on human cloning as opposed to Conley in his view on the interference with natural process (Conley,1994). Human procreation has been through the natural process since time immemorial. With the current advancement of technology and research, morals of human cloning were brought to task. Conley has well addressed the burning issue and has made great strides in evaluating the challenges that couples face when they have the challenge of conceiving and bearing children (Conley, 1994).With his deep rooted roman catholic arguments, he remains a close minded author as to the effects of human cloning unlike Wilmut who is polite spoken learned author with an aim to kill the stigma. The research that has been done was to solve some these issues. Couples have been genetically challenged to have the right to live, a life like any other normal human being (Wilmut,2007). The pervasiveness of this discourse concerning the dignity in today’s Western world has given it a mask of the subject matter that has been highly contested and made it vague. As our educated writer Wilmut has observed in his sixth edition. This concept has become totally ubiquitous. Conley has claimed
Friday, October 18, 2019
Risk Measures and Valuation under Interest Rates and Equity Risk Essay
Risk Measures and Valuation under Interest Rates and Equity Risk Factors - Essay Example In order to solve this problem, two vital problems have to be managed: first problem is that the market rates are correlated but they behave randomly and the second problem is that the portfolio structures are high–dimensional and conventionally non-linear. The well-known techniques of risk measurement can be classified into two categories. The first category is the stochastic approach, in which the profit and loss distribution of the portfolio is taken in to consideration. Value-at-Risk (VaR) is the most famous risk measure in this category. VaR conventionally denotes the 1% or 5 % quantile of the profit and loss distribution. The second category includes the Maximum Loss (ML) methodology, in which the risk is estimated with the help of the value of the worst case scenario. ML analyzes a finite set of scenarios to determine the worst case out of them and it does not consider the correlations among the risk factors, such as the stress testing. The Maximum Loss methodology empl oys a very specific choice of feasible domains that are referred as the trust regions. The trust regions determine the correlation structure of the market rates through their shape acquired from the examination of a certain percentage of all future outcomes. This paper first derives the standard assumptions of the financial risk management with the help of the fundamentals of financial calculus. Then, it presents some of the established techniques of risk measurement in a unifying framework along with discussing their basic properties. The paper describes the concept of Maximum Loss towards its end. 1. Introduction to Market Risk Under the intricate and changing set-up of today’s world, it is impracticable to attain stability in relation to mere minor volatility since mature markets are being formed subsequently, with the help of fast global information, which has further escalated competition. Thereby, globalization is encouraged and financial institutions are compelled to a ugment their performance. Hence, the implications of market volatility are now very essential to understand. Market risk, which is also often referred as price risk, specifies the uncertainty created by the market volatility that is defined as the prospects of money loss subject to the variations in the market prices. Although quantitative techniques for examining distinct financial instruments are entrenched, however, more research is still required for measuring risk related to the entire financial portfolios. The supervisory authorities are liable to ascertain that the economic-capital-cushions are held adequately to provide security against any possible unanticipated losses. Hence, the requirements of regulations imposed by the supervisory authorities give rise to the need for risk measurement. The banking sector, until the 1980’s, profoundly stressed upon the credit business. The number of banking failures rose with the increase in competition and the Basle Committee was established for banking supervision, in the year 1988, under the control of the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) in Basle, which published the document called ‘Basle Accord’ that included information on ‘
Criminal law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Criminal law - Assignment Example Constitutional perception of due process is particular in the law of criminal procedure because of various reasons. This is because the procedures followed lead to revelation of the proper ways of handling a certain case. Therefore, the procedures ensure that the lawyer handling a particular case follows the required guidelines for a certain case. These guidelines are actually the constitutional procedures pertaining to the dos and dons of imposing judgment for a case. The law of criminal procedure becomes easy to handle when the lawyer evaluates the process viable for a case. The three branches come from the legislature, the executive and the judiciary (Scheb, 758). The legislature concerns itself with the activities of Policing. The executive concerns itself with the duty of investigation whereas legislature carries out law enforcement investigation. These examples entail the origin of the three branches of criminal law. Grand jury and Trial juries comprise of lawyers who are qualified enough to handle the functions bestowed to the jury (Scheb, 758). Grand Jury carries out the function of investigating whether a certain case has enough evidence. The trial jury is bestowed with the function of ensuring that the right verdict for a certain case. It ensures that justice is paramount in deciding on the right penalties for a
Tiger Woods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tiger Woods - Research Paper Example In the earlier time the air travel were taken as a luxury and it used to very much expensive. But, in the recent time the air ways have become one of the common ways of travelling. However, there are some specific reasons behind availing the air ways instead of other road ways and they are, saving time, under any emergency, luxury, comfortable journey etc. among all of these points the time saving is the major reason behind choosing the airways instead of other ways of travelling. The Low Cost Carriers (LCC) has become one of the new trends in the airlines business. Most of the airways are focusing on the low cost air service to have a bite of the huge South Asian and Asian market. The market it huge and it has got a great potential due to the increasing per capital income and the increase in the disposable income of the middle class people. Tiger airways was launched in 2004 by Singapore Airlines (Doganis: 2006, 263) and it was basically for the middle class passengers who are eager to avail air ways if the price is reduced. However, Singapore Airlines must not forget that price reduction is not the primary key; rather the primary key is to satisfy the customer with the value pricing and to keep in mind that the customers are the primary assets of the Tiger Airways (Hax: 2009, 118). According to the 7Ps the traditional 4 Ps are very important but in this case the major important factors within these 7 Ps are price, promotion, physical evidence, and people. The Tiger airways must understand the model of lower the price but double the sales volume without compromising over the quality. The service triangle is a model where it can be seen how the organization keep in touch with the employee and customer at the same time to understand the service factors and employee as well as the customer satisfaction. (Kuhnle: 2007, 9). Tiger must not forget that the physical evidence of the product is very important as they are selling hospitality products which don’t h ave direct effect over the customers while they are buying the product; rather it can be felt after experiencing the product, so, the physical evidence must provide the tangible satisfaction and that is only possible with value pricing and great customer services. The people involved in the process in this module are the faces of the company and they must know all the important factors to satisfy the customers. Penetrating pricing may attract many new customers but could be the reason for bellow average services which would create great problem to retain the existing customers. The value pricing would be the best way to retain the customers as the customer would be happy to pay little more but they want better service. Some of the successful services related to the LCC are point to point operation. It means instead of keeping any break the journey of the flight should be straight from one point to another. No free food for short journey but timely landing and no late mark. And one o f the most important factors is to keep the employees happy so no formation of unions would occur which might hamper the services (Belobaba, Odoni, and Barnhart: 2009, 123). In this way the Tiger Airways can apply the concept of 7Ps to be profitable even after adopting the low pricing but with the value attached with it. This way the Tiger Airways would be able to sustain their position in the market with the large returning and satisfied
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Value Alignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Value Alignment - Essay Example 1). As such, organizational values are seen to be all encompassing for various stakeholders. As an individual, traditional values include being accorded with opportunities for personal and professional growth; being treated equally, fairly, and justly – without discrimination or prejudice; being able to balance family life with work; and being able to adhere to ethical, moral and legal standards. The origin of individual values stem from the value system inculcated by one’s parents (family) and that which is traditionally handed and manifested in one’s culture. From the value statements, of the individual and that of the organization, it could be deduced that when these values are congruent; meaning, they are aligned or identical, the relationship between employer and employee is perceived to be harmonious, smooth, and effective. It was emphasized that â€Å"values and ethics are important in the workplace to help keep order, ensuring that a company runs smoothly and remains profitable†(Amico, 2013, p. 1). As such, both the individual and the organization could work hand in hand towards the accomplishment of identified goals: whether it be personal, professional, or organizational
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 2
Leadership - Essay Example To become an effective leader, it is crucial on the part of the manager to be able to find the type of leadership approach that works best for them. Often times, choosing the best leadership style depends on the manager’s personality, characteristic, working environment and the team members. The focus of this study is to gather primary and secondary research as a way of determining the qualifications of a good leader. The first part of the paper will address the problem statement by conducting a literature review with regards to the qualifications of effective leaders. The second part of the paper will gather primary research data by conducting an actual research survey. In the process of presenting the primary data, the research survey methodology which consists of five relevant questions will be tackled in details. Based on the gathered primary and secondary research information, a proposed leadership model will be constructed prior to the conclusion and recommendations. Leadership is about the ability of a person to make his/her subordinate follow and adapt with useful changes within or outside the work place. Since it takes a special interpersonal influence and motivational skills to enable a manager to effectively mould and convert a group of employee into becoming a responsible and efficient subordinate, it remains a challenge on the part of each manager to be able to identify the qualities of a good leader. A leader can easily become an effective manager. However, not all managers are capable of becoming good leaders. For this reason, the main purpose of the research study is to increase the knowledge of the managers with regards to the essential qualities that makes up a good leader. A good leader needs to have a combination of wisdom, integrity, sensitivity, and tenacity (WITS). (van Maurik, 1994) The author mentioned that a good leader must have these traits to be able to have a clear vision of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Value Alignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Value Alignment - Essay Example 1). As such, organizational values are seen to be all encompassing for various stakeholders. As an individual, traditional values include being accorded with opportunities for personal and professional growth; being treated equally, fairly, and justly – without discrimination or prejudice; being able to balance family life with work; and being able to adhere to ethical, moral and legal standards. The origin of individual values stem from the value system inculcated by one’s parents (family) and that which is traditionally handed and manifested in one’s culture. From the value statements, of the individual and that of the organization, it could be deduced that when these values are congruent; meaning, they are aligned or identical, the relationship between employer and employee is perceived to be harmonious, smooth, and effective. It was emphasized that â€Å"values and ethics are important in the workplace to help keep order, ensuring that a company runs smoothly and remains profitable†(Amico, 2013, p. 1). As such, both the individual and the organization could work hand in hand towards the accomplishment of identified goals: whether it be personal, professional, or organizational
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Euthyphro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Euthyphro - Essay Example So Euthyphro gives his second response, which states that piety is what is dear to the gods, and impiety is that which is not. However, Socrates’ problem with this definition is: what if the gods disagree among themselves? Some gods may agree that my act is pious and some may claim it as impious. My act cannot be both pious and impious for that would lead to a contradiction. So Euthyphro gave his third response: what all the gods love is pious and holy, and what they hate is impious. However, Socrates asks, â€Å"is the pious or holy beloved by the gods because it is holy, or holy because it is beloved of the gods?†Euthyphro answers, that: Piety or holiness is that part of justice, which belongs to the gods alone. Socrates was still unsatisfied with this response so Euthyphro goes on by elucidating his point further. Herein, Euthyphro claims that piety or holiness is learning how to please the gods through ones words and actions, such as when one does gives prayers and sacrifices. However, Socrates thinks that Euthyphro’s answer leads him back to where they started, and so Socrates begins again by asking him what piety really meant. However, Euthyphro had to leave and so the discussion ended.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Addie Accident An Analysis
Addie Accident An Analysis Abstract Disability, moralization, mental satisfaction and self-assurance are the most important aspects in the novel Addie Accident. The focus of the current study is to understand the link of prejudices and ethics with this novel. The backbone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. One hypothesis is developed to check the connection of biases and moral values with Addie Accident. This hypothesis shows that mental disability and self-confidence have significant relationship with Addie Accident. This hypothesis is developed from literature review and we have also proved it with the help of critical study. Results conclude that Addie Accident is based on moralization as its end is justified in the sense that it elevates the social status of mentally sick people. Introduction Our everyday actions and interactions can influence people in many ways especially to those people who need our attention and support to survive in society and to live happily. The position of immobilized people in a society is not as standardized as the status of other people is because they are considered inferior to other folks who are normal and mental sickness is one of the agonizing human states. In this way, there is a desperate need to assemble certainty and quality in these people on every ground. The primary center of my exploration is to give consideration with respect to those rationally debilitated individuals who are overlooked from society. As, these people have their own specific rights and wishes however when they are disposed of from society, they get to be irregular and act in an uncalled for way. Such people cant defy the unforgiving circumstances of life as they are nonappearance of fortitude and quality. While discussing this issue, I have picked up a novel Addie Accident by Shirley Corlett which is by one means or another reveals profound quality in the public eye towards those individuals who by the stroke of fortunes dependably get snared in their own particular activities and exercises and after that are being censured by the others. But we cannot deny this fact that there are always two sides of picture. So here in this novel, there is only one character and that is Hubert who helps Addie. In addition, Addie Accident is an interesting novel flooded with fiascos and enterprises. Notwithstanding how hard Addie tries, mishaps simply appear to appear to her. However, in this novel profound quality offers us in light of the fact that at last, Addie assembles her certainty through one of her companions Hubert-the hapless who is likewise similar to her. He is conceived unfortunate as his name demonstrates this. He helps Addie in recapturing her certainty and quality. We can likewise say that both are conceived unfortunate as Addies dad says Our little Addie was conceived under an evil wind (12). However both Addie and Hubert turn into the cure of each other in the essential circumstance of their lives. In this way Hubert shows the factual side of the novel. So, in this paper I would like to explore how the characters except Hubert show their prejudices towards Addie in the novel? What is the role of ethics in Addie Accident? How Addie becomes an escapist in the novel? How does Hubert help Addie to get rid of her schizophrenia? Therefore, the basic theory which supports my contention is of The role of positive emotions in positive psychology by Barbara L. Fredrickson. The theory and findings acclaim that the ability to experience positive feelings may be a fundamental human quality principle to the study of human prospering. Understanding the psychology behind others exercises is a critical step with the objective that debilitated people can be propelled to encounter their lives as they wish to live. In this way, we ought to help these incapacitated individuals in developing such qualities as self-assurance, force, quality and resolution and so forth in them which may empower them to interface with alternate people and they may work and show their capability openly in the group with no trepidation of feeling of inadequacy. Literature Review The novel Addie Accident is based on ethical values and biases. The main protagonist of the novel Addie is unlucky, who is not crippled in physical sense but mentally. Things always go wrong when she intends to do anything. This leads to a serious gap in her personality and it is the main reason of her schizophrenia while such person cannot face the bitter realities of life and then he becomes unable to cope with society. People do not behave such persons in a way they should be rather they tease them and as a result, handicapped people find some other ways to pacify themselves just as Addies imaginary friends. Then a boy comes whose name is Hubert, helps her to get out of this situation and her misery. She is not physically disabled rather mentally unfit and she is born ill-fated while this is also the main tragic flaw in her personality. In the end of the novel, she builds her confidence through the help of Hubert and as a result, she becomes able to see the world with a new glance and a new perspective. In this way, ethics have been shown in this novel because the ending of Addie Accident is justified as there is an element of moralization and confidence. Behaviors towards incapacity must be known as the consequence of scientists working inside a structure that has officially made true blue the relationship between an analyst on handicap and crippled individuals. Thus, we should help these handicapped people to create such qualities as self-confidence, power, strength and will power etc. in them which may enable them to interact with the other folks and they may work and function freely in the community without any fear of inferiority complex. As, Bentham says, Everybody realizes that joy is a high esteem in present day society. Not just do individuals go for bliss in their own particular life, yet there is additionally bolster for we ought to administer to the joy of other individuals who are candidly and physically feeble in some way or another and that administrations ought to go for making more prominent joy for a more noteworthy number of subjects (Bentham 1789). McDowell and Newell (1987: 204) portray life-fulfillment as a Personal assessment of ones condition compared to an external reference standard or to ones aspirations. Moreover, Shin and Johnson (1978: 478) characterize life-fulfillment as a global assessment of a persons quality of life according to his chosen criteria. Fordyce (227) says Happiness is a particular emotion. It is an overall evaluation made by the individual in accounting all his pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the recent past. Chekolas (202) defines happiness as realization of a life-plan and the absence of seriously felt dissatisfaction and an attitude of being displeased with or disliking ones life. Similarly Sumner (145-146) states being happy as having a certain kind of positive attitude toward your life, which in the fullest form has both a cognitive and an affective component. The cognitive aspect of happiness consists in a positive evaluation of your life, a judgment that at least on balance; it measures up favorably against your standard or expectationsThe affective side of happiness consists in what we commonly call a sense of well-being, finding your life enriching or rewarding or feeling satisfied or fulfilled by it. (67) So Addie wants to live happily but she is disabled mentally and in this way she has no right in a society because crippled people are the lowest folks among any society. Nobody behaves to them in a proper way rather normal ones tease them and realize handicapped people that they are not fit for society. Being a mentally crippled girl, she should have her own rights and values which may help her to cope with society. Similarly, mentally sick people like Addie need special care and attention. Every member of society should pay heed to such abnormal persons. They should not have been victimized of frustration, annoyance, depression and above all inferiority complex. People with scholarly inabilities, then again, are frequently judged to have the sort of mental deformity that alleviates their risk. Shoemaker (2009) recommends, Individuals with mild intellectual disabilities are eligible for accountability primarily just by those with whom they already find themselves emotionally engaged, such as family, friends and caregivers. The reason for this, he argues, is that their developmental capacities have been limited to the stage of concrete operations. (455) In this manner, they cant acknowledge theoretical standards about common acknowledgment and responsibility among kindred individuals from the ethical group. Shoemaker subsequently says: Due to their cognitive capacities, persons with mild intellectual disabilities are able to appreciate only the concrete appeals from those they care about while often being unable to respond emotionally and morally in a proper way to the appeals of strangers. This notion could well be applied to most people because it appears to be a part of human condition that we tend to favor morally beings emotionally close to us (161). A journal Impaired individuals encounters of against social conduct and badgering in social lodging: a basic survey informs: A number of studies have looked at levels of harassment and victimization amongst disabled people. It is not always possible from the studies to be precise about the behavior which is involved as a number of terms are used: harassment, victimization, bullying. Nonetheless a consistent picture emerges from them all of very high rates of susceptibility to behaviour which falls within the definition of anti social social behaviour, and which is often targeted at people because of their impairment(07). Wood and Edward say Studies found extremely high levels of harassment and victimization for this group ranging between 47% and 60% of respondents having been a victim of some form of harassment.(205). Thurgood and Hames (1999) shown that16% had been hit by neighbours. (23). In the 2004 DRC(Disability Rights Commission) study over the scope of impedances, 73% of respondents reported having been verbally assaulted and 35% physically assaulted. Predominance was most elevated however amongst those with emotional well-being conditions. In the GLA study half had endured mishandle or tormenting. Kelly and Mckenna reveal Given the higher rates of disability amongst tenants of social landlords, and the indications in the research reported here, there is a need for a more comprehensive assessment of how social landlords respond to and encourage confidence in victims of anti social behaviour who are disabled.(74) Harassment is regularly depicted as a customized type of anti social conduct, i.e. it is coordinated at the specific casualty. This may happen on account of a particular normal for the casualty, for example, race or sexuality or, handicap. Glason says Disabled people are more likely to become harassed for simply standing out more, with people with the most visible impairments tending to be at even greater risk. Irresponsible media portrayals of disabled people have been roundly condemned in some quarters for exacerbating the problem. (19) As, DRC has presented a report which claims: It would appear that many disabled people have little confidence in the current options available to them for confronting and resolving harassment. Fear often makes them reluctant to report harassment. Disabled people lacked confidence in agencies such as the police or social housing providers to resolve problems relating to harassment or victimization. (DRC/ Capability Scotland, 2004). Finkelstein says it is society which handicaps debilitated individuals by not giving satisfactory offices to their complete coordination (32). He proceeds to propose a reversal of the wording used by Harris I recommend changing the meaning of the words impairment and handicap around. Along these lines a man is debilitated when he is socially kept from full investment by the way society is masterminded (19). Another debilitated essayist has recommended the definition ought not to be based upon insufficiency but rather just on the level of belittling or separation they encounter on the premise of their physical condition (17). While clearly such a contemplated a considerable measure of discourse and common contention, reality remains that any try at course of action must make note of the points of view of the crippled themselves. In actuality the inaugural meeting of the Disabled Peoples International, addressing more than fifty nations, starting late rejected the International Classif ication of Impairment, ineptitudes and Handicap proposed by the World Health Organization (1980). Thats why crippled people have to face many problems because they are considered less than normal human beings. As a result they become the victim of inferiority complex, depression, anger and frustration. But in spite of all this, disabled folks should be given their proper rights and values. They should not be underestimated by teasing about their physical or mental condition or weaknesses rather every person of society ought to encourage and help them. They must be given special attention so that they may not consider themselves low. The distinction is that some individuals with incapacities require this bolster all the more seriously, in more aspects of their life and for more periods. Research methodology The purpose of this study is to find out predispositions and moralization in the novel and their relationship with Addie. To achieve the research purpose, secondary sources have been used to collect the data. Secondly, we have reviewed related theory to explain that the novel Addie Accident has both the elements of prejudices and morality in this sense that Addie, central character of the novel is suffering from schizophrenia. She is a victim of bullies because everything becomes topsy-turvy when she wants to do something. But in the end, in spite of all this, she builds her confidence with the help of her friend Hubert who helps her to get rid of being accident prone. Then she becomes able to see everything according to her own viewpoint. Theory of the role of positive emotions in positive psychology by a psychologist Dr. Barbara L. Fredrickson supports this study. This theory expresses that specific discrete constructive feelings-including bliss, interest, contentment, pride, and l ove-despite the fact that phenomenological particular, all share the capacity to expand individuals flashing thought-activity collections and assemble their persisting individual assets, extending from physical and scholarly assets to social and psychological assets. We have chosen qualitative research method as it is concerned with the explanation of social phenomena, the world in which we live, its social aspects and why things are in the way they are. Secondary data comprised of published research, internet material and academic research has been used. Critical study In the book Addie Accident, a girl named Addie is mentally sick because no matter how hard Addie tries, mishaps just seem to happen to her. She is Bullied at school when one of the boys says, you clumsy dumbo! (09). When she receives such remarks, tears of anger burn in her heart and she begins to hate those big bullies. Later on she gets entangled her head between the railings of her school and then injures. Upon this, instead of helping her to get out of her head between the railings, her teacher Miss Forrest arrives and says, Common sense flies out the window when one is dealing with Addie Harris. She has to be the most accident-prone child Ive ever known. (11) after this when her dad comes back to his house, his face wears a look of apprehension and resignation. After a while, he says, the jinx has hit again. Our little Addie was born under an ill wind. (12) Her mother always encourages her with this notion that one day Addie will get rid of all these things and she does not scold her. She hugs Addie and says, Dont look so glum, love. Its not the end of the world. Why dont you write me a story? I love your stories. Theyre so imaginative. (12) Anyone thinks that she does things on purpose. She gets the blame for everything and it is not fair. Addies sister, Candice also hates her because she always creates chaos which is not her fault but due to her mental disability. It is said about her sister, everything embarrassed Candice, especially anything her younger sister did. (13) Candice and including everyone becomes to hate her, she scares people and kids steer clear, either of their own accord or because their parents order them to. Candice says to Addie, youre a magnet for accidents (17). Addie has her own special friends that no one else knows about. Friends she can pluck out of her head. Friends who love to play with her. Using her imagination is the only other thing apart from walking on her hands that Addie is good at. It is a place where shadows fall where they shouldnt where ripples move leaves when there is no breeze and where whisper fills empty spaces. It is the door to imagination land, where her imaginary friends live. As Shirley says in the book, This was her place! This was where imagination land existed. There were no adults, no teachers, no teasing kids or bullies like Georgina and Leah to pick on her. This was her very own world, complete with her very own sovereign. Enchantress Chu. (21) Addies friends are always keen to follow her in the adventurous schemes she makes. They never betray, never blame, never laugh, scoff or scold. And most special of all is that imagination land is a place where accidents are unheard of. Her imagination land makes her feel scummy. Her Miss Forrest says to her, There were two sides to a brain. There was the logical side and the dream side. You used the logical side for normal everyday use, but when you wrote stories you swapped over to the dream side because thats where your imagination lived. Addie used the dream side of her brain lots more than she used the logical side (23). Addies imagination is the source for producing ideas. No ideas and then there will be no imaginary friends. And without them, life is super lonely. But what she actually needs is a friend like herself, an accident-prone friend. One who will sympathize her and that sort of friend who will never desert her. Although it is much harder to imagine someone like herself. Then one day she encounters such friend in real life whose name is Hubert the hapless. Addie asks him, Whats hapless mean? And he says: Means unfortunate. Everything I touch turns bad. Im hopeless at everything. Everyones scared of me. Everyone hates me. Im forever in trouble. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time. (41) It is as he has described her but Addie does not believe this and questions Hubert whether he is really exist or he is mere her imagination. Upon this, Hubert says, Im Hubert the hapless. Your soul mate and Im like you. (41) Then both Addie and Hubert become friends. He informs her that soon they will get rid of their ill-luck by doing special kind of charms and Hubert says, We work together at curing ourselves. (50) In this way both prove therapeutic partners for each other. Hubert helps Addie in building her confidence so that she may live her life as she expected to live. Then Addie says to Hubert when they both finish their charm, I finally did something right. Everyone says Im brave (212). And then Hubert states, Things are different now. Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that is weà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦can make decisions for ourselves. We dont need to blame everyone else for the trouble we get into. Weve learned to be responsible for our own actions. (213) later on both talk each other for a while and then Hubert begins to leave by saying, Now I can live in your imagination land forever (226). And then he disappears. As a result of all this, Addie gains her self-confidence and becomes a confident girl. And now her psychic disorder has been cured. Conclusion The nitty and gritty of the whole discussion is that society can and ought to do all conceivable to take out building hindrances in the method for handicapped individuals. There is a great deal that should be possible to change this, including better instruction; guaranteeing there are more open doors for impaired individuals and individuals why should handicapped have constructive connections; and empowering more constructive depictions of inability and incapacitated individuals in the media. End of provocation of incapacitated individuals is additionally a fundamental stride that is identified with their handicap. Old generalizations and mistaken assumptions of handicap should be supplanted by new social developments. Everybody must advance inspirational states of mind towards debilitated individuals. As this research paper has shown, most of the issues connected with mental inabilities are socially built and in that capacity are the honest to goodness topic of this order. The certainty remains that the personal satisfaction experienced by the larger part of impeded individuals in current society is impressively lower than that delighted in by their capable counterparts. Along these lines, expanding individual contact with individuals with handicaps by supporting them to get to instruction, livelihood and social exercises on an equivalent balance with other people may end up being the most critical and evenhanded of intercessions. This will be done through inspecting instruction and vocation strategies and handling the obstructions that counteract individuals with incapacities getting to fitting training and job opportunities and taking part in social life.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Mouse remains the most reliable species of choice to study the mechanism underlying in mammalian species. It is because they breed quickly, and their genetics are well understood. Aim: The principal aim of first research paper is to study the over expression level of miRNA -27b that induces cardiac hypertrophy and dysfunction in mice. The primary aim of the second research paper is to show how miRNA -212 and miR-132 expression regulates cardiac hypertrophy and cardiac myocyte autophagy. Methods: A 500bp genomic fragment comprising the miR-27b control region was amplified by PCR and ligated into adenoviral vector to generate Ad-miR-27b using 293A cells for cloning and expression of miRNAs. Transgenic mouse was created by amplifying the fragment flanking miR-27b which is then subcloned into an expression vector comprising human growth hormone poly A signal and ÃŽ ±-MHC promoter. Genotyping of the mouse is done by isolating genomic DNA from mouse tail by biosepsis followed by its amplification by PCR using specific primers. Western blotting is carried out on myocardial isolates and cardiac function was determined by echocardiography. All the statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Primary cardiomycetes were generated from neonatal mice/rat using a standard protocol. By cloning the whole miR-212/132 genomic locus (3.4kb) downstream of cytomegalovirus promoter within the pTARGET vector, an expression construct is generated which was used for the transfection of H9c2 cell lines. Transgenic mice showing the overexpression levels of miR-212/132 was generated by cloning 486bp genome encoding the hairpin stem loop downstream to 3rd exon sequence of ÃŽ ±-MHC gene and upstream of hGH poly A signal sequence. TAC was performe... ...analyzed for the over expression levels of miR 212 and miR 132 in heart tissue by reverse transcription PCR (fig.2b). However, the mouse were born normally but their life expectancy was reduced to 84 and 119 for Fam23 and Fam43 respectively (fig 2c). Their heart to body weight ratio has shown significant increase in heart mass at different ages. The upregulation of miR-212 and miR-132 witnessed the increased expression level of cardiac stress markers ANP and BNP ultimately resulting in the development of heart failure (fig. s3 bc). Evaluation of cardiac function in both transgenic and wild type mice is done by echocardiography, where end systolic and end diastolic of LV dilation was significantly observed in transgenic mice. Further, hemodynamic analysis confirmed impaired function of heart in transgenic mice. MiR-212 and miR-132 directly regulate FoxO3 expression:
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Internet Security Systems :: essays research papers fc
According to a 2002 survey by the FBI, "the threat from computer crime and other information security breaches continues unabated and...the financial toll is mounting." Some disturbing statistics include: * 90 percent of those responding had at least one security problem. * 85 percent had detected viruses on their computers. * 80 percent said that they had lost money due to a security problem. * 75 percent reported frequent online attacks. Financial losses from Internet security problems continue to grow. At least 20% of organizations reported losses from online theft of private information in 2002. The average size of those losses was over $6.5 million, which was seven times as much as in 1997. Some of the increase is attributed to better reporting and more awareness of the problem, but much of the increase is due to increasing sophistication and persistence of online attackers (Kent & Piscitello 49). Threats to Internet security used to take the form of viruses, worms, and malicious code designed to make a system unstable, or delete certain files. These unwelcome intruders even often announced their arrival with an announcement on the screen or some other visual disturbance that signaled a problem to the user. In contrast, security threats today are much more sophisticated, and are often undetectable. Rather than simply wanting to cause trouble and inconvenience for a user, these threats have the purpose of stealing confidential information from the target computer, including things like passwords, keys for reading encrypted messages, or even recording keystrokes (Martin 18). Known commonly as spyware, these programs often are used to track the Web sites that a user visits, so as to gather marketing information. But there is less benign spyware that is able to change browser settings, scan files on a hard drive, or install programs without the user knowing. A user may unwittingly download a spyware program along with games, media players, peer-to-peer programs, or other utilities. In some cases, the user unknowingly agrees to the spyware installation by clicking â€Å"yes†to a user agreement without reading it through first. Spyware consumes memory and processing resources, invades privacy, and can promote system instability. It is often difficult to remove once installed on a computer. Ways to reduce the risk from spyware include updating security policies to allow only trusted software for download, and investigating the source of any program before downloading it, to make sure it is reputable.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Reaction Paper of May Day Eve Essay
As I was reading the story I was bothered because of some complication of the events happened. It is the only story that I have encountered for the rest of my college which I have to go back to what I have just read. The situation in postmodern fantasy is more complicated. For postmodern characters, the boundaries between dream and reality are blurred, the worlds as equally real. My own interest is not in the entire field of speculative fiction but only in the modern tale, which is descended from the literary fairy tale and the philosophical tale and, in particular, in modern tales by Filipino women who write in English. It accepts more than one reality and more than one truth. Well as far as I know, it is all about love on the night of May, the main character is Anastasia DoÑa Agueda which they call as a witch, Don badoy montiya as a devil and the girl which is the daughter of Agueda. This is an example of realism in fictional novel in which romance and love is occurred. I think Nick Joaquin is interested in the house of the middle class Maynilans. The boys way back on the past were very gentleman, good looking and very loyal to his love one. The story revolves mostly around Badoy and Agueda and the horrible marriage they had together. Badoy was once madly in love with Agueda, mostly due to her looks from the description in the book. He did not know much about her when they were younger and Agueda refused him at first. Later on Agueda is seen using a magic mirror asking who she should wed. The mirror replied to her that it should be Badoy, the man she had first refused. When Don Badoy Montiya forced Agueda to marry him, it shows the status of the women during the past. Love is a splendid thing, it just happened, as most romantics say that it how goes for Badoy and Agueda. Badoy told his children how he courted their mother to have a strong relation to them. The climax of the story is like ruefully causing sorrow or pity, pitiable and deplorable. Shrivel to contract and wrinkle, as from great heat and cold as long as the grief is the emotional which I included here. They chose to see the worst, but in the end, it can be seen they were in love. The worst in each other only came out when they chose to see it in the tragic way. The moral could also be that reality comes no matter what, and one just has to live with that reality whether it is good or bad. It also shows that youthful love will change and not always remain. In the story of Faith, Love and Dr. Lazaro you can relate of what is the importance of this three Life is too short to stress yourself to the things that is not that matter in our daily life. First of all we need Faith so that we can have energy that keeps us going, it help us to be strong to the trials we are encountering, especially in the way we feel like giving up. Love, we need to consider ourselves to be loved also. First, I thought it’s all about relationships or just the things that is happening between two people who are in love because of its title. But as I read it, I realize that this is all about a Doctor which is Lazaro who is very much dedicated with his profession but have lost his faith in God and time for his family. He lost his faith in God at the time his younger son died, who actually committed suicide and also because he witness people who is suffering from deep pain and yet they still die. He began to question God why there is so much suffering in the world. Dr. Lazaro devoted his time to his profession that made him lost time for his family, that he doesn’t even have a chance to be closer with his older son. But the scene that really captures my attention is when Dr. Lazaro and his son attended a sick child but unfortunately Dr. Lazaro failed to rescue the child, then the son baptized the child before it died. While on their way home Dr. Lazaro had a chance to talk to his son and ask about the baptism that his son made. Because of that, it made him to reflect on his life and he’s belief and wonder again about the teachings of the church which I think bring backed Dr. Lazaro’s faith to God. As I continually reading this, it reminded me the story of Lazarus in the Bible. Lazarus who’s resurrected because of Martha’s faith. Well, this story made me realize that we should not lose faith to God. Everything happens for a reason and God always is in control. In the end, we should not lose hope to God because without him, we are nothing.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Narrative of Fredrick Douglass
The greatest thing about reading Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass is that there are many different and interesting themes to learn from. Throughout Douglass’ story he teaches us many lessons and motifs, but one thing that stays constant is his belief in the fact that all men and women should be created equal, with equal rights without any constraints to his or her own individual freedom.The treatment of Douglass himself and the other slaves he worked with was unbearable and under such horrible circumstances that after reading his autobiography; it really makes me wonder what other types of things other slaves had to endure during their experiences. Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass shows its readers that even though times can get extremely hard, there will still always be hope even when you think there is none. One of the most important ways slaves were kept in bondage was not simply the threat of physical brutality; rather, it was through deep and sustained ignorance.Slaves were not allowed to read and write and were therefore generally not aware of the events outside of the plantation, could not communicate with each other well to provoke rebellion or conduct escape plans, and could not reach the sense of self-sufficiency and pride that came from being educated. Literacy brought with it an understanding of the larger world. It opened up before a slave the idea of justice and an understanding of history. Reading the Bible led to a truer comprehension of Christianity. Douglass was able to first engage with abolitionism when he attained literacy.He also became fully aware of the reality of slavery; he wrote â€Å"[Literacy] had given me a view of my wretched condition, without the remedy. It opened my eyes to the horrible pit, but to no ladder upon which to get out. In moments of agony, I envied my fellow-slaves for their stupidity†(Page 56). Ignorance was thus a way for slaveholders to keep their slaves manageable, happy, calm, and content. Once a slave moved beyond such darkness into a world filled with understanding, he was only able to do what Douglass eventually did – attempt to escape from his ties.While reading Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass it is almost like reading about how white men dehumanized their slaves. The first example of this is shown in Chapter 1 when Douglass’ mother passes away. â€Å"Never having enjoyed, to any considerable extent, her soothing presence, her tender and watchful care, I received the tidings of [my mother’s] death with much the same emotions I should have probably felt at the death of a stranger†(Page 43).This quote explains that Douglass, like many other slaves, never had much of any relationship with their birth mothers. Considering that some slaves are taken away from their birth mothers only a few short years after they are born it is easy to understand why Douglass felt this way. It’s extremely sad to read how a chi ld can feel almost no emotion after hearing of such a tragic loss. I imagine if that were to happen to me and how I would feel and can only feel disheartened by the fact that most slaves never got to have relationships with their mothers.Another example of such degrading behavior by the slaveholders is simply how they scarcely feed their slaves. They expect so much work and cooperation from them and think that any amount of food, big or small, will help them to get their work done. Slaveholders instill in the minds of slaves that being unfed, whipped and called awful names is the best kind of life they will ever have. These were horrible characteristics of slavery but were well depicted by Douglass in his autobiography. According to Nathaniel P.Rogers’ Southern Slavery and Northern Religion: February 11, 1844 (Page 139), it is explained that Douglass arrives to give a speech and to tell his story to an audience who is very apprehensive and uncertain about hearing him speak. H owever, they were very curious to see him. After giving his speech, which was well received by the audience, he was asked more and more questions and they wanted to know more about his life and journey through slavery in general. â€Å"There was great oratory in his speech-but more dignity and earnestness than what we call eloquence.He was not up there as a speaker-performing. He was an insurgent slave taking hold on the right of speech, and charging on his tyrants and bondage of his race†(Page 141). Reading this review makes me really happy to know that while he had an awful time as a slave, escaping and gaining freedom was the best thing that ever happened to him. It is satisfying to read that others can feel for Douglass, though not come close to imagining what he had gone through, but having some sort of sympathy and realization that he and many other slaves are great human beings with inspiring stories to share about he freedom they all deserve. He teaches us that while we all go through horrible things; there is always a silver lining and something to be learned. Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass has really taught me a lot about myself and about a whole other kind of people that I really had no knowledge of. I truly believe that Douglass makes his audiences believe in what stands for; all men and women should be created equal, with equal rights without any constraints to his or her own individual freedom. This autobiography has a lot to teach a person and I would recommend it to anyone.It is thoroughly enjoyable and is the kind of book that makes you look past just the text. It makes you think about your own life, putting it in perspective and realizing what is really important. It is an interesting story that not many have heard themselves and really know little about its topic. I suggest to anyone who wants to read this narrative that they keep an open mind no matter what their previous views, religious or not, are so that they can ful ly understand and accept this person’s journey through slavery.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Victorain Realism vs Romanticism
This was reflected in the writing, which was more formal but eventually the writing began to develop an emotional strain. This led to writers focusing on pains of death and lost love, and towards the era of Romanticism http://www. Martinets. Was/timeless/enlightenment_age. HTML Throughout the sass and half of the sass, Europe was ravaged by religious wars. (lead to ration over tradition) http://www. Weeklies. Org/what-is-the-difference- between-romanticism-and-realism. HTML Romanticism and Realism are two opposing art style, where one focuses on idealism and the other on maintaining what is true.Romanticism glorified things, imagining characters with the ability to shape the destiny of an entire nation. Realist literature defined real life experiences of other people, and would highlight injustices in hope of bringing social change. Http:// Perez. Com/calculatedly/romanticism-vs.-realism/ Realist techniques involve a setting that relates to the author, and by a plot that uses ordinar y events. Protagonists and other characters are normal, but are defined by personal conflict, whether physical, mental, or emotional. Author places injustices of the time in plain view, and allows reader to form their own opinion.Realism would sometimes attack romantic ideas in their own work, in realist novels, characters make (and are defined by) their own choices, rather than Just reacting to choices that have already been made. Romanticism usually has circumstances considered out of the ordinary, plot development over character development, traumatized story. Http:// indefinites. Bloodspot. Ca/2013/05/romanticism-vs.-realism. HTML The second half of the century (after romanticism) was filled with many civil wars, and the industrial revolution which destroyed the middle class, effectively destroying the economy of Victorian London. Http://www. Essay. Du/dept/English/dismiss/room. Lit. Char. PDF Characteristics of romantic literature; 1 . ) Imagination and emotion more important t han reason and formal rules
Intertextuality in Films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Intertextuality in Films - Essay Example Intertextuality occurs in popular media such as television shows, movies and even interactive video games. Intertextuality is often used to provide depth to the fictional reality portrayed in the medium, such as characters in one television show mentioning characters from another.intertextuality was first proposed by Julia Kristeva . According to her a single text that can consists of many texts or it is act of changing one set of the sign into another. the use of intertextuality is perhaps the most useful and essential method of ensuring a successful show or film in today’s marketplace. as there are many sources of entertainment available in today’s life apart from films, it is very useful for modern directors to attract a particular audience. many directors and filmmakers refer to previous and old books, novels, songs, history or remake many popular films because the audience get familiar with the next story they see hear or read will remind them of something they hav e already experienced. it is the tool available to the filmmakers to take advantage of is the collection of text, people, ideas, new inventions, that interact with each other to form a framework or community in which to relate the thoughts and influence each other. It is the relationship, influence and conversation between the texts. One of the example is The O.C. is the best example of television using intertextuality, with its frequent references to movie characters and comic books such Spider-Man, and Star Wars protagonist Luke Skywalker. ... films on superhero Superman are also inspired by his herioc actins and stunts in comics and stories and series on television. Drama series Lost has a huge number of interextual tie-ins, including websites, broadcasts, and even a novel written by a character, which purport elements from the series to be real.Not only does the concept reveal the author's sources, it also aids in understanding the text at hand. Through intertexuality the reader may recognize concepts that possess similar qualities of a previously read work. Since the reader is familiar with texts that a work may or may not have built from, the reader him/herself has found an avenue into the text through the work's relationship to other texts. The discovery of a relationship provides the reader with a starting point which aids to unfold the meaning of the piece. The reader will find it easier to uncover the avenues that exist into the piece if he/she has read a wide range of books. For example within a film(one frame) an advertisement (other frame) of a product can be shown, such as billboard in a scene. The film in turn is a part of genre movies or film. On television, advertisement, often allude to other advertisement of the same product such as series of advertisement of the same products or television personalities or is the standards of textuality in discourse analysis but is also relevant.Intertextuality is closely related to media and film industry. for example many films begin with the credits rolling as a car, a train or stage travels across a landscape and arrives at a town. It may refer far more than influences of the writers to each other. On television, advertisement, often allude to
Monday, October 7, 2019
Ethics wssay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethics wssay - Essay Example This good reputation will continue earning it more revenues owing to the fact that more customers repurchase vehicles and attracts new customers. The employees of the organization will feel that their employer cares about them and for this reason they will have the impetus to increase their productivity, and there will be a reduction in labor turnover (Institute, 2010). However, the organization will be experience some bottlenecks in case the legislature passes laws that will strip off its tax benefits. The operations of the organization will have to change and there will be lower profits. Uncertainty is not good for business; the organization should always strive to be in control or to influence action where possible. Volkswagen can allow the vote to go through as this is in line with the organization’s ethical culture of promoting the workers’ welfare. The Promotion of the workers’ welfare will enhance productivity, minimize the labor expenses ascribed to the exit of employees, and maintain a good public image. The organization also needs to gain support from the legislature and the governor on the importance of ethical behavior to a flourishing business. This meeting with the law-making authorities is essential for the out and out clarification of the rationale for the decision in order for the organization to limit the probability of negative consequences. The organization needs to let the state know that the success of the business is advantageous to the state in terms of additional revenue generation. An explanation to the state will also give the organization an even better reputation for risking its business for the welfare of its employees (Institute, 2010). This deci sion will portray the organization as one that has a commitment to bringing positive change in the culture of non-unionism. The state is likely to support the organization in the quest to maintain the state’s popularity as a caring authority for its citizen’s welfare.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
The role of the RN in the Rehabilitation Facility Essay
The role of the RN in the Rehabilitation Facility - Essay Example Rehabilitation is a complex process aimed towards the achievement of a quality life; thus, providers of care in the rehabilitation facilities (such as the nurse) must be knowledgeable, competent, and skillful in rendering rehabilitative care. Registered nurses play an important role in the rehabilitation facilities and are considered as important members of the rehabilitation team. Often, nurses in the rehabilitation team collaborate with the physicians, psychiatrists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, recreational therapists, speech-language therapists, psychologists, spiritual advisors, social workers, vocational councilors, orthotists or prosthetists, and sex councilors. With a number of professionals to which the nurse collaborates, a nurse in the rehabilitation facility must have excellent communication skills and knowledge of each scope of practice. In addition, nurses assume an equal role with other professionals in the rehabilitation process but usually take the m ost critical roles in the provision of rehabilitative care. Jester (2007) stated that the nurses’ roles in the rehabilitation facilities include three main components, among of which are: general maintenance, specialist, and carry-on role (p. 14-15). The nurse’s role in general maintenance includes overall ward management and maintenance of patient’s physical well-being such as nutrition, hygiene, and skin care. The nurse as a specialist in a rehabilitation facility has an inherent degree of expertise in specific areas of rehabilitation such as orthopedic rehabilitation, geriatric rehabilitation, or substance abuse rehabilitation. Lastly, nurses in the rehabilitation facilities also perform the carry-on-role or the role of the nurse to maintain the progress made by other professionals such as the physician (e.g., the nurse is responsible for monitoring the WBC levels of patients being prescribed with Clozapine). In addition to the performance of carry-on-role is the 24-hour-a-day/7-days-a-week role of the nurse in supervision and continuing practice of what the patients learned from other professionals (Squires & Hastings, 2002, 219). The main goal of rehabilitation is to return the individual to the highest level of independence by maximizing function and minimizing disabilities (Flanagan, Zaretsky & Moroz, 2011, 354). To achieve this goal, nurse rehabilitation professionals are commonly asked to evaluate and participate in the treatment of the patients. Thus, a nurse’s role in the rehabilitation facilities does not only centers on the provision of care but also on engaging to the planning and implementation of rehabilitation programs. The role of the nurse in the nurse in the rehabilitation settings is still underdeveloped and too general to identify by other professional groups, patients, and families. Nurses in the rehabilitation facilities are still struggling to make their roles specific and be recognized. Among the reasons de rived from literatures why nurses’ roles in rehabilitation facilities is underdeveloped include lack of specific educational programs for post-registration nurses, organizational difficulties and funding, professional tribalism and turf wars between nurses and therapists, and role confusion (Jester, 2007,16). Nurses have to be competent in order to render an effective rehabilitative care; likewise, the federal government and the organization to which nurses belong also have the responsibility of equipping the nurses with adequate knowledge and skills preparation in the form of
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Defining Beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Defining Beauty - Essay Example While beauty might have once been truly ‘in the eye of the beholder’, today’s society has beauty defined for it by the overwhelming challenges of the mass media. These messages of the media are so consistent they overwhelm any natural sense of beauty, which is important to our sense of identity and social value. Throughout the history of mankind, humans have projected who and what they are, including their relative social position, through their outward appearance. Study after study has demonstrated people dress a certain way and strive to acquire specific items as a means of signifying that they belong to a particular desirable subset of individuals who also embody their individual ideals (Gilman, 1999). Regardless of whether one has always been a part of this subset or not, it is presumed that an outer appearance in keeping with this group will automatically purchase the coveted membership. In the past few centuries, however, the standard definition for female beauty has had detrimental effects on the feminine identity. â€Å"Women view their bodies as ‘objects of work’ requiring attention and upkeep in order to operate well and promote the desired effect†(Gillen, 2001). ... â€Å"Research in the UK suggests that the wealthier we are, the more likely we are to dislike our body. Experts think there’s more pressure on the wealthy to achieve the thin 'ideal' because they have the money to do so and are more exposed to media images†(Rebecca, 2006). Because the wealthy are expected to be able to achieve this ideal, those who are not so wealthy often struggle to attain the beauty ideal as a means of signifying that they belong within the ranks of the wealthy. Within the past few years, televisions have been inundated with so-called ‘make-over’ shows in which the focus is precisely for the media to inform the public regarding what is considered beautiful or desirable. These shows promise an improved exterior facade to participants’ bodies, fashion sense, faces, homes, lifestyles, etc. that will bring the individual into closer similarity to the ideal image and thus make it possible for them to achieve a higher level of happine ss. This ‘ideal’ image is usually envisioned as someone in their mid-20s, slender almost to the point of skeletal, with specific body measurements at the bust and hips and a specific ‘good-looking’ charm that usually includes blonde hair and a friendly demeanor. This limited view of the ideal obviously eliminates anyone who might have been born with larger bones or other ‘defects’ that resist the reshaping of the plastic surgeon’s scalpel from being accepted into the socially acceptable. Makeovers on TV illustrate the unacceptable qualities of the average individual and emphasize the importance of bringing the individual image more in line with a perceived social ideal that is communicated through the same media channel. It is thus perceived that the only way for individuals to find
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