Monday, January 7, 2019
Physics for Future Presidents Notes-Final Exam
Energy the ability to do work. throw= force x displacement. spot= capability/time Power is measured in watts or horsepower. Joules/sec=watts 1hp=746w=1kw Basal metabolic rate 2000kcal/day= 100w Batteries store thrust in chemical substance form. They release free efficacy by pumping electrons by dint of wires from the minus retinal rod to the plus pole. Devices inbetween transfigure this elan vital to somewhat other form, Efficieny- e. motor=85%, conflagration= 20% Hydrogen is not a base of button except a message of transportation Types of susceptibility energising e(in joules)= . 5mv2.Solar qualification- 1gw per km2 Solar zip fastener commode be turned into electricity through solar cells 15%=cheap, 40% competency=expensive. Caloric theory of warmth= caloric fluid flows from hot object to cold. estrus engine= device to turn warmth energy into serviceable work heat take places from something hot but only some goes to useful work. artificial sit downe llites=free f all in all. Ionizing light beam=energy in the form of waves or paricle beta radiation-just an electron, wont go through fell but really bad in spite of appearance you alpha- he2+ nucleus-wont go through skin but bad once inside. Comes from radioactive particles standardised lead 210 or iodine. amma- racy energy photon, may go through you. neutrineos-noninteracting, come from fusion, cosmic rays-very powerful. Come from supernovas. Moves at accelerate of light moderator-slows neutrons b/c they argon absorbed better when slow ciritical band needed for nuclear flunk-5kg, resistence of wire depends on length, longer=more resistance. Thickness-thinner=bigger resistance, material. fudge velocity=velocity required on the surface to completely leave a planet Rcket-goes nowhere near put off velocity drag from atmosphere is bad, goes sluggish but carries supply posterior Celsius = Tin Fahrenheit ? 2 ? 5 9 Tin Fahrenheit = Tin Celsius ? 9 + 32 . 5 atomic energy So urce of energy of energy in sows=radioactive particles such as uracil and plutonium. A chain reaction is the double law that takes you from slight anatomys to gritty numbers in a small number of generations. Aromic bombs are base on chain reactions of u-235 or pu-239. Plutonium is fabricate in nuclear nuclear nuclear reactors. Difficult bomb design (implosion). Hydrogen bomb= fission ignites secondary reaction that contains two isotopes of heat content-most sedate part of residual actinotherapy.Nuclear reactors are based the chain reaction but usually work with neutron multiplication of 1 o reaction doesnt grow. Moderators slow neutrons so they are more similarly to decoy to nucleus. If moderator is lost the chain reaction stops. If it runs a personal manner(predicate) and c. r. begins to grow exponentially, the slowness of the neutrons limits the size of the explosion. Since a c. r. depends on slow neutronsa cr that depends on slow neutrons cannot give rise to a nucle ar explosion so thus a reactor cannot blow up like a bomb b/c when temporary increases, aroms are pathetic too fast for the neutrons to take a crap them so the c. stops. It will blow up like tnt, but 1 mil generation smaller than a bomb. N reactor= device in which sustained c. r. takes place. Neutrons hit nucleus to cause another fusion. Power doesnt grow, is constant. Power comes out in the form of hear. Nuclear reactors use moderators- a chemical mixed with enkindle that slows cumulation the neutrons. Isotopes are different types of atoms (nuclides) of the resembling chemical element, each having a different number of neutrons. Power-rate of energy release. Cookies=high energy. Tnt=high power. I kg h=1 gal gas. instigate energy (or just heat) is a form of energy which transfers among particles in a substance (or system) by means of kinetic energy of those particle. Nuclear energy= energy stored between the forces between parts of atomic nucleus. Energy=measured in calorie s or joules. I watt-I joule/sec. most useful kinds of energy=chemical and potential. One calor is the enrgy it takes to offer one kg of water by one degree Celsius. 4k joules=calories. Solar cells- crystals that convert sunlight directly into electricity. K energy depends on sq of v. double induce=kinetic energy increased by gene of 4.. emp is a measure of hidden kinetic energy. Disorider= entropy. Double abs temp=double pressure. Heat engine= any engine that runs by turning heat into mechanic motion. Laws 0-objects in contact tend to reach same temp. 1- energy is conserved. 2-you cant distil heat energy w/o temp difference- tend towards same temp 3-nothng can reach temp of abs 0. Satellite in low earth field of force=5 mi/sec. high sat=slow. Geosynchrous sat= sat that orbites in 24 hours. . blackhole=escape velocity = faster than speed of light. Big mass or very lots packed into small radius . rockets aviate by pushing burned fuel down. /c rocket weighs so much more fuel, th e amount of velocity gained by rocket is much less than the fuel velocity so very inefficient. staidness=attraction between two masses. radiation therapy= explosion of nucleus atom. Radiation=pieces throw out in explosion.. chernyobyl-vessel explosded in Ukraine, radiation went all the way to stockhom. Dont know if deaths were from radiation or incessant cancer. Firefighters died from radiation45 rem receved average.. 25 rem=1% cancer chance. The enthalpy scrimping is a proposed system of delivering energy using hydrogen.Thinks methane is the way since ch4. he term hydrogen economy describes an envisioned large-scale scheme of delivering energy by means of hydrogen, particularly for theme power (personal cars, buses, planes, ships, etc. ). This is attractive for several(prenominal) reasons, among them the clean way in which hydrogen burns (it only leaves water as a residue), its high energy per weight, and the fact that fuel cells can convert hydrogens energy directly into el ectricity that subsequently powers an electric motor, with a unite efficiency exceeding that of ordinary combustion engines.Around 400 am on the break of the day of March 28, 1979, water pumps in the non-nuclear department of Three Mile Islands Unit 2 nuclear power plant stop working. This pr all the sameted the steam generators from removing heat from the plant and initiated an smart shutdown of the reactor. The possiblity that the melting of fuel rods could resolving power in a release of radioactivity to the surroundings was of great concern. The Nuclear regulatory Commission was alerted at 800 am and the White House was alerted at 915 am. By 1100 am, all non-essential personnel were evacuated from the facility.The remaining personnel worked to get under ones skin the situation under control everyplace the next several days. According to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, this accident, was the most serious in U. S. com- mercial power plant operating history, even tho ugh it led to no deaths or injuries to plant workers or members of the nearby community. further it brought sweeping changes involving emergency response plan- ning, reactor operator training, human factors engineering, radiation protection, and many an(prenominal) other areas of nuclear power plant operations. melted cre
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