Wednesday, November 27, 2019
5 Essential SAT Tips Sitting the Exam - ProofreadMyEssays Academic Blog
5 Essential SAT Tips Sitting the Exam - ProofreadMyEssays Academic Blog 5 Essential SAT Tips: Sitting the Exam The SAT was recently updated to reflect its ongoing importance to higher education in the US. And if you’re relying on a good SAT score for your college application, you need to prepare for when the day of the test arrives. Luckily, we’ve got a few SAT tips to help you optimize your exam performance. Photo: lecroitg/Wikimedia 1. Get in the (SAT) Zone Like any exam, sitting the SAT can be stressful. You should therefore do everything you can to make sure the test day is as stress-free as possible. This includes packing everything you need the night before so you don’t have to worry about it in the morning, as well as getting plenty of rest and eating a healthy breakfast. 2. Read Carefully and Pace Yourself When the exam begins, read all instructions and questions carefully; you don’t want to make mistakes simply because you misunderstood something on the test paper! Likewise, before setting to work, take a moment to consider how long you need to complete each part of the test. Pacing yourself will ensure you don’t run out of time before finishing. 3. Maximizing Test Efficiency There are a few things you can do to maximize your test score. The first is focusing on what you already know: prioritizing questions you feel confident about ensures you’ll pick up the most points possible, rather than getting stuck on a tricky problem elsewhere. You can then return to the other question afterwards. Even if you’re completely lost, the new SAT format doesn’t penalize wrong answers, so you can always guess! Moreover, if you’re unsure about a multiple choice question, eliminating wrong answers first will increase your chances of guessing correctly. 4. Look for Evidence The reading section of the new SAT puts more emphasis than before on justifying your answers. The â€Å"command of evidence†questions, for instance, require you to identify textual evidence in the set passages. Before you ask, not the CSI type of evidence. This includes using evidence to support your own answers, understanding how authors use evidence in their writing, and considering how data can be used to support an argument. 5. Double-Check! As proofreaders, we’re morally obliged to emphasize the importance of double-checking your work. When it comes to the SAT, you can usually gain a few extra marks simply by going back through your test booklet after you finish, correcting any errors or issues with clarity. This is also why time management is such a vital skill. If you plan effectively, you should have enough time left after finishing to make sure everything is completed to a high standard.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Book Report The Essential Guide to Writing a Catchy Book Report
Book Report The Essential Guide to Writing a Catchy Book Report WHAT IS A BOOK REPORT? A book report is a kind of essay that sums up, explains or reviews a given book. It can be either factual, asking the student to state and enumerate the facts or analytical, where the student is required to analyze plot, characters, themes, ideas etc. How to Get Ready to Write a Book Report Writing a book report is unthinkable about actually reading the book. The sad part about it is that proper preparation requires you to read the book at least once or more (sorry if you don’t like to read!). So, the first part is just reading for enjoyment. You should get a general feeling, understanding of what the author is trying to say in the text and grasp its main message. You should get acquainted with the setting, plot, and characters of the book, pick major themes, understand the general setting. If you are an advanced reader and are able to work on the go, you can grab a pencil and a sheet of paper and write down your thoughts and ideas regarding what you have read. These notes will later become an important part of your book report. In case you are not so experienced with reading and analysis on the go, the best way to work with the book is to read it once, then put it aside for a day or two and then come back to it. That way the information you process will settle down and you will be able to generate ideas. As soon as you feel you are ready, get that book in your hands for a second pass. Ideally, you will need to scan through the book bearing the topic of your book report in mind. Concentrate on what your teacher wants you to do, take notes. HOW TO WRITE A BOOK REPORT Formatting Structure Formatting your book report is probably the easiest part of the paper. It is best to work on it once you are totally done with the entire text. Formatting a book report is generally done according to APA standards; however, MLA formatting is not uncommon. As to the structure, the book report format is a kind of essay and will, therefore, take the basic essay structure and format. Reiterating what has been said, the structure of your book report should include the following parts: an introduction (with the thesis), several body paragraphs and a conclusion. BOOK REPORT FORMAT Language and Tone A book report is completely factual. It has to revolve around facts from the book, and should also include the following information on: Author Title Place and year of publication A brief summary of the content of the book For this reason, language and tone should be objective, impartial and impersonal. Please note, however, that should your teacher require a personal book report format, you will be required to write using the first person, so once again – please check with your instructor prior to starting the actual work. TOP 25 BOOK REPORT IDEAS Book Report: Tips on Writing Post-Writing TIP 1. It’s a good idea to start writing by preparing an outline. If you have done some preparatory reading, the notes you have taken are ideal for this. Once you are done jotting down the points you want to mention, proceed by putting some flesh on the bones, provide details and develop the main ideas. TIP 2. In order to write an effective book report, you will need to elaborate your outline into a draft. The draft doesn’t necessarily have to be tidy and neat – its main purpose is to embrace all the ideas that come up to your head in the process. TIP 3. Once your first draft is finished, read through it and make sure it is relevant and logical. Throw out thoughts that interrupt the logic and flow of the paper. It’s a good idea to review your paper again within several hours after you complete your draft (don’t do it immediately unless absolutely necessary). TIP 4. After your draft has been polished into the final version of your paper, check your grammar and spelling. Try to use a word processor if possible. Typed book reports look better than handwritten ones. They are easier for your teacher to read and they are easier for you to correct. BOOK REPORT TEMPLATE If you feel like you need additional assistance with crafting your book report, feel free to contact any of our custom essay writing professionals. Our writers are experts in book report writing; they are only taking on assignments on the books they have personally read. In addition, there is a number of writers who specialize in book report writing; there are also some who have professionally explored and researched certain areas of literature and are experts in the field. Whatever your requirement is, we know how to write the perfect book report! is available 24/7 to help and guide you through the writing process.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to develop a culture of safety in health care organizations Essay
How to develop a culture of safety in health care organizations - Essay Example Unfortunately, this culture led to many incidents not to be reported. To combat this problem, health-workers are encouraged to report problems instead of hiding them, so that they can be solved in time. To develop a culture of safety in health organizations, cultures are accessed occasionally so as to make amicable changes where necessary. Additionally, teamwork is highly recommended so as to avoid the occurrence of blame games and negligence of risky incidents. Most organizations also advocate the participation of the patient in the treatment process so as to create good communication system between healthcare personnel and patients (Duke University Medical Center, 2005). Additionally, involvement of patients in the treatment process leads to physicians observing rules and regulations to the later so as to minimize the occurrence of accidents within health-centers. Routine check-up and update of healthcare systems have also been found effective in developing a culture of safety in health organizations. Thus, many healthcare organizations not only maintain, but also update their systems in order to catch up with technological advancements that aid in enhancing patients’ safe ty. Additionally, most health organizations also advocate openness among its employees so as to enhance patients, workers, and personnel safety within healthcare environment (Duke University Medical Center, 2005). Rule of accountability has also been found effective in developing a culture of safety in healthcare organizations. It achieves this by ensuring all the healthcare providers do their respective jobs
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Da Vinci and the Modern Female Portait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Da Vinci and the Modern Female Portait - Essay Example Renaissance art portrayal is a naturalistic reflection of realities that is recent in terms of discovery, rather than just framed myths and gender-based constructions. Leonardo’s art portrayal was regarded as abnormal in social terms. He presented through art, a view of female sex, which was culturally abnormal in the patriarchy of his day. To them, a woman is an intelligent being, and therefore biologically equals half of human species. Earliest portraits preserved by Leonardo, referred to as Ginevra de’Benci, done in the late 1470s, puts forth a fundamentally new female age. It portrays a sitter posed in a three-quarter view and it engages the eye of the observer. Portraits done by Northern Renaissance painters indicates a preoccupation with realism and having a precise detail of physiognomy and the costume. This kind of approach is a characteristic of panels by the Flemish masters Rogier van der Weydan and Hans Memling (Victoria 100) High Middle Ages evolution of portraiture reached its crescendo in the fifteenth century. This was the period during which greatest masters of artistic illusionism begun to appear in Europe. Italian Renaissance painters discovered the use of textural properties of oil painting. Leonardo da Vinci was famous for his portraits that were life-like in their realism. He used to learn entirely from nature and science to make his paintings look real. He drew and took many notes from observation, since he believed that it is the basis of knowledge. Leonardo was among the first Italian Renaissance to use the three-quarter pose instead of the popular profile. His subjects had unique facial expressions that challenged viewers. The new technique he invented-chiaroscuro and sfumato, also brought his subjects to life (Patrick McDonnell 56) Rogier van der Weyden transcends the concept of naturalism formal or informal,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sludge Lab Report Essay Example for Free
Sludge Lab Report Essay For the first physical observation, I tried smelling the mixture. It smelled like permanent marker. Next I tried sticking a spoon in it and stirring the tan solid lightly. It looked like it was an extremely smooth sand. Finally, I tried drinking the liquid. Nah, I’m kidding! To start off, I will describe the liquid. I separated it simply by using the decanting technique. I carefully poured it off of the mixture of solids and into a separate plastic cup. Easy. The physical property of phase was used for separation. It was the only liquid in the mixture. Then I had to identify it. I smelled it and it had a permanent marker smell to it. That led me to believe it was an alcohol. Next, I tried measuring the density using a graduated cylinder and a balance. I measured the amount of alcohol I put in the graduated cylinder (volume) and how many grams it was on the balance (mass). The volume was 9. 2cm3, the mass was 7. 25g, and the overall density was . 79cm3. That proved my liquid was not water. Finally, I tested the boiling point to determine what type of alcohol it was. I used a ring stand, thermometer, hot plate, test tube, and a beaker full of water. I placed the beaker full of water on the hot plate. I then filled the test tube with my liquid and attached it to the ring stand. Finally, I put the thermometer in the test tube and turned the hot plate on high. The liquid really started boiling around 78 degrees (Celsius), so I concluded that my alcohol was ethyl alcohol. Next we have the blackish/brownish particle layer. To separate it, I used the magnetic retrieval technique. This tests the physical property of magnetism. I simply used a magnet to retrieve the particles and a toothbrush to remove them from the magnet into a separate paper cup. There’s only one substance that is magnetic, but I had to do two more tests. I simply checked solubility in water in alcohol. It wasn’t soluble in either. It was, obviously, iron filings. The third substance I decided to separate from the mixture was the tan sand. After the liquid was removed, the solid wasn’t as silky and it was more like normal sand. I also discovered the â€Å"rocks†were actually clumps of this substance. ANOTHER thing I discovered was white/clear grains. Yes, it was a salt! That means there’s only one way to separate this stuff: dissolve and filter. I poured water onto the rest of the mixture and stirred it up for a solid minute or so. After that, I poured the water into a funnel lined with filter paper which dripped down into another cup. This left me with only the tan sand. First I tried smelling it. It had a REALLY strong smell. Secondly, I recalled it being in the alcohol with a few particles floating around. This got me to believe it was slightly soluble in alcohol. Finally, I tried testing solubility in water. It just floated at the top without any particles floating around in the water, so it wasn’t soluble in water. Due to these factors, I determined it was sulfur. Last, but certainly not least, the white/clear grains. Before I evaporated the water, I took note that it’s soluble in water. To separate it from the water, I evaporated it off. I simply put it on a hot plate, set it on high, and poof. Only grains. By now I identified it as a salt. My next test was alcohol solubility. Turns out, it’s only slightly because the alcohol was very cloudy after the dissolving process. Lastly, I put a sample on a watch glass with some water and left it out over night to check crystal shape. In the end, the crystals were spear shaped, leading me to the conclusion that it was potassium nitrate. All in all, my sludge consisted of ethyl alcohol, iron filings, sulfur, and potassium nitrate. I think my only difficulty was that I discovered the salt fairly late in the process. Overall, I enjoyed this lab because I really felt like I was doing something a real scientist would do. Oh yeah, and I felt a feeling of loss once I had to throw my work away. Sniff.
Friday, November 15, 2019
tiger :: essays research papers
Class Overall, class was enjoyable. I learned many new things about the game of golf. The discussions of the history of the game and of the layout of the course allowed me to, in the period of one day, create a greater appreciation and understanding of the game of golf. I was interested and learned much about the history and development of golf and how certain ecological aspects of the course affect game play. Assigned Readings      Many of Updike’s articles were easy for me to relate to. Updike seems to me to be a very intent golfer who is very easily distracted and easily frustrated. He seems to love the game but finds it difficult to get good now that he is aging.      I especially like the way he writes the novel. Although at times he is difficult to follow, his wording makes the story interesting. My favorite aspect of the novel is the descriptive scenes he gives and how he develops them into extremely problematic situations.      From the book, my favorite section is the â€Å"Golf Dreams†section. This is because of several reasons. Firstly, as I have mentioned, I like his style and descriptiveness of the scene. I also find it easy to relate to his situation where he makes everything seem much more difficult than it really is. Overall I enjoyed the first readings. Day 2 (May 14, 2002) Class      Today was a fairly relaxed class. Since I knew most of what was discussed, time seemed to pass quickly. The discussion over Golf Dreams was interesting and it caused me to think about the readings more than I had already done. Assigned Readings      The new Updike readings were not as interesting to me a the first readings were. I liked â€Å"The Pro†but that was about it.      I noticed that his disgust with the way he was playing the game slowly depreciated and that he became more relaxed. He eventually makes himself a hypocrite in the fact that he just plays the game for fun and that he eventually accepts the gimmes and similar things he did not usually do. The Game of Golf      I thought that since this is a journal about golf it wouldn’t hurt to write about golf. Today I shot a 69 at our golf match. The worst part is I cheated. I told my opponent that I did cheat so that he could disqualify me but he didn’t believe me. The truth is I realized that golf really isn’t that important and that it is only fun when I really want to go to the course and play.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Maya Angelou
‘Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou: the poem You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries. Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines Diggin' in my own back yard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history's shame I rise Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. GCSE English Blended Poetry  © Maya Angelou in whose name Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. has granted permission.  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Exploring the Poem We are now going to explore ‘Still I Rise' using the five aspects of poetry we looked at earlier. Situation Viewpoint Ideas or themes Language and style Mood or atmosphere After reading ‘Still I Rise' a couple of times, use the following questions to help explore your ideas about the poem. Situation What do you think Angelou might mean in the opening lines when she says that history tells lies about her? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 In the closing lines, who is Maya Angelou referring to as her ‘ancestors' and why is this important? Angelou repeats the words ‘I rise' throughout the poem. What does she mean by this? GCSE English Blended Poetry The Sheffield College, 2006 Identity is an important idea in the poem. What impression do you get of Maya Angelou in the second, third, fifth and seventh verses? What impression of herself does Maya Angelou definitely not want to convey in the fourth verse? What impression does Maya Angelou leave us with at the end of the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Viewp oint Who is ‘I' in this poem? Who is ‘you' in this poem? Ideas and Themes What themes do you see in the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Language and Style As you work through this section, you might want to refer to the Glossary, to read about some of the techniques discussed. Angelou uses a lot of natural imagery in the poem. List all the similes and metaphors which relate to nature that you can find in the poem. Imagery What points do you think Angelou is making in using this natural imagery? Comment on at least three images in detail. GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Alliteration and Assonance Find as many examples of alliteration and assonance in the poem as you can. What effects do you think Angelou is hoping to achieve by her use of these techniques? Rhythm and Rhyme Re-read the poem aloud or at least read it to yourself imagining how it would sound if you were reading it aloud. How do you think the rhythm and the rhyming of the poem affects your understanding of what Angelou is saying? Repetition What do you think Angelou is trying to achieve with the repetition in the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Mood and Atmosphere How would you describe the mood or atmosphere of the poem? Does the mood change throughout the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Maya Angelou ‘Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou: the poem You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries. Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines Diggin' in my own back yard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history's shame I rise Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. GCSE English Blended Poetry  © Maya Angelou in whose name Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. has granted permission.  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Exploring the Poem We are now going to explore ‘Still I Rise' using the five aspects of poetry we looked at earlier. Situation Viewpoint Ideas or themes Language and style Mood or atmosphere After reading ‘Still I Rise' a couple of times, use the following questions to help explore your ideas about the poem. Situation What do you think Angelou might mean in the opening lines when she says that history tells lies about her? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 In the closing lines, who is Maya Angelou referring to as her ‘ancestors' and why is this important? Angelou repeats the words ‘I rise' throughout the poem. What does she mean by this? GCSE English Blended Poetry The Sheffield College, 2006 Identity is an important idea in the poem. What impression do you get of Maya Angelou in the second, third, fifth and seventh verses? What impression of herself does Maya Angelou definitely not want to convey in the fourth verse? What impression does Maya Angelou leave us with at the end of the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Viewp oint Who is ‘I' in this poem? Who is ‘you' in this poem? Ideas and Themes What themes do you see in the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Language and Style As you work through this section, you might want to refer to the Glossary, to read about some of the techniques discussed. Angelou uses a lot of natural imagery in the poem. List all the similes and metaphors which relate to nature that you can find in the poem. Imagery What points do you think Angelou is making in using this natural imagery? Comment on at least three images in detail. GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Alliteration and Assonance Find as many examples of alliteration and assonance in the poem as you can. What effects do you think Angelou is hoping to achieve by her use of these techniques? Rhythm and Rhyme Re-read the poem aloud or at least read it to yourself imagining how it would sound if you were reading it aloud. How do you think the rhythm and the rhyming of the poem affects your understanding of what Angelou is saying? Repetition What do you think Angelou is trying to achieve with the repetition in the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006 Mood and Atmosphere How would you describe the mood or atmosphere of the poem? Does the mood change throughout the poem? GCSE English Blended Poetry  © The Sheffield College, 2006
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Maketing Process Various Element Essay
The focus is the mass production. A business orientated around production believes that the â€Å"economies of scale†generated by mass production will reduce costs and maximise profits. In this process there is less focus on product design and packaging and even to be special or unique look, at the end customer are paying for the product and you pay for what you get. So for this is a plain marketing in my opinion. Product Orientation This approach is almost opposite to the previous one. This type of companies believes that its product’s high quality make it a superior product. Neglecting sometimes about the customer’s wants and needs. Sales Orientation Make the product, and then sell it to the target market. However as we know sales usually aren’t this simple. An effective marketing strategy requires market and marketing research. Market Orientation This type of strategy puts every effort to understand the customer and his needs. Market research is the key to launching new products or services, every single step. Jack Cohen started his business in a very critical period for the UK there where a food shortage after the First World War and a big crisis just got to its top Situation was very difficult! Jack Cohen applied a strategy of ‘pile it high and sell it cheap’. His strategy was a great success because he knew exactly what customer’s need and so for all his focus is to make sure there enough food for everyone. In London space is limited he went outside to bigger space this step was a great success. Jack Cohen did adapt to this problem of space by giving Tesco bigger place to promote its products. As he was focused on sales and customer needs he should have been on top of it all time but it did come a period where he didn’t realise that people after 2nd world war are changing and needs are not simple are very variable and complex, customers are looking for more than just what would satisfy their basic needs! And that’s where Tesco life cycle got into its down or decline that’s where Tesco did face problem. After a good few years of hardship Tesco managers have had another way of sorting all in once getting help from local authorities this was the key door to a new era Tesco newly born and adapting to the market needs segmentation of the market through offering different stores in size and product will make Tesco the though number1 of stores as different ages and categories is attracted, he had the price already in good and successful strategy low enough to attract individuals from low household income and the loyalty cards that offers more saving. According to (Kotler, Marketing management) marketing should be dealt with and visualised around minimum 4 elements, product, place, price, and promotion and in further editions of his book he added other elements to those as politic, public†¦ I think Tesco have a good name and long history and that needs to be highlighted more and more, a good marketing strategy needs on top of pricing as well positioning the product and make it unique in satisfying that group of people’s needs, so for sibling a group of people and making a product to satisfy their needs and give it the price that makes them happy and promoting this product. Sale is the outcome or a result but don’t forget to make them come back by giving after sale service, where the customer will be secure and happy knowing he has been backed up by you the seller. Your supermarket or place of shopping, it’s not only where you buy your food supply from as well as the name that you trust and adhere to, as a business focusing on your existing customers it’s a better strategy than trying always to win more customers. By listening to your customers and knowing their needs and the after sales service will give the company a longer life cycle.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Women And Aids Essays - HIVAIDS, HIV-positive People, Free Essays
Women And Aids Essays - HIVAIDS, HIV-positive People, Free Essays Women And Aids Understanding the Issues of Women and HIV/AIDS Rachel Seldin, Colgate University, Hamilton NY 13346 ABTRACT: Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) had emerged as a major health problem for women in the United States. Family physicians can play an important role in the detection and care of HIV-infected women. The epidemiology and natural history of HIV infection in women were reviewed. HIV infection is now a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among young women in the United States, particularly women of racial and ethnic minorities. Most cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in women occur as a result of injection-drug use or heterosexual transmission. Based on limited information, women and men appear to have similar AIDS-defining conditions. Gynecological problems are common n HIV-infected women. Pregnancy does not seem to be affected by early HIV infection, but women with advanced disease might be at increased risk for obstetric complications. More women need to be included in natural history studies and clinical drug trials. Early awareness of HIV infe ction and better access to health care services are required to improve the treatment and survival of HIV-infected women. KEYWORDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Pregnancy, Zidovudine (AZT), Vaginal Candidasis, Transmission Methods of HIV/AIDS, Perinatal Transmission, Women and HIV INTRODUCTION: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has been declared the public health threat of the century (1 cited in 2). The US Surgeon General has designated it as the nations number one health priority (2). AIDS is a disease that affects the immune system. The term immunodeficiency refers to the inability of the immune system to function properly, thus making the individual susceptible to a variety of infections not typically found in a healthy immune system (3). A syndrome is a group of symptoms or illnesses originating from one cause. The main agent causing AIDS is a retrovirus known as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV is the agent of a sexually transmitted disease that can also be contracted through blood transfusions or IV drug use; the disease can also be passed on to a fetus during pregnancy. When people are infected with HIV, they are not necessarily also infected with AIDS. A person is not infected with AIDS until HIV reduces immune function to a certain level or when one or more serious illnesses related to HIV occurs. (4) Everyone is at risk of contracting the HIV virus, although women with HIV/AIDS face more difficulties living with this disease than do men. HIV/AIDS women are of special interest because they are the major source of infection of infants. Not only do they have to think about the effects on their own lives, but also they must think about their infants if they choose to conceive. In my paper, I will review the ways in which HIV/AIDS affects women differently than men, through clinical issues and gynecological manifestations. I will also discuss the virus itself and issues concerning HIV positive women who are planning to conceive. WHAT IS AIDS? In early 1983, a team at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France led by Dr. Luc Montagnier first announced the discovery of HIV (5). They originally named it LAV, or lymphadenopathy-associated virus. However, it was not until the American team, led by Dr. Robert Gallo, called the virus HTLV-3 or human T-cell lymphotrophic virus that both teams collaborated and simplified it to just HIV (5). HIV can cause a range of conditions, of which AIDS is the worst. For example, it can lead to persistent swelling of the lymph nodes (5). Other people may have more serious symptoms but still show no sign of AIDS. This condition is known as AIDS related-complex ( ARC) (5). Some of the symptoms of ARC include swollen glands, severe or chronic diarrhea, severe fatigue, rapid unexplained weight loss, drenching night sweats, fevers, and yeast infections, Although it can be serious, ARC is not fatal (5). The cause of AIDS is not fully understood. There are other factors are involved in the development of AIDS. Once a person tests positive to HIV, alcohol or drug use, poor nutrition, high stress levels, frequent exposure to other disease (especially sexually transmitted disease), have all been suggested to increase the risk of developing full blown AIDS (5). HIV
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Comparison of Adjectives
Comparison of Adjectives Comparison of Adjectives Comparison of Adjectives By Maeve Maddox If memory serves, I was taught the rules for comparing adjectives in fifth or sixth grade: 1. Adjectives have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative. 2. The comparative is formed with -er or more. 3. The superlative is formed with -est or most. 4. Short words like big and happy take -er and -est: big, bigger, biggest; happy, happier, happiest. 5. Long words, like beautiful and intelligent take more and most: beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful; intelligent, more intelligent, most intelligent. This simplified summary applies in most situations. Fine-tuning comes with reading experience. Yet many speakers seem not to have learned these general rules for comparing adjectives: He’ll go out of his way to be nice to your friends and family so he can make a good impression on them, even if it’s only because he knows that’ll make you more happy. I am more strong than I have ever been and my clients are getting better results as well. It did make my lawn more green. product review How to make your company more green Let’s make the world more greener. Making cars more greener How to make your neighborhood more safe figuring out how to make low-income communities more safer for women. These quotations are taken from various blogs. One could say, â€Å"Well, these aren’t professional journalists, so why be so critical?†It seems to me that the general rules for the comparison of adjectives can be mastered by a twelve-year-old. Anyone who has completed eight years of formal education can be expected to have gotten the hang of it. But it is not only the amateur writers who get it wrong. The following is from a writer who has shared two Pulitzer prizes: [something to do with economics] is a more strong indicator.†Linguists might argue that dropping of the -er, -est forms is driven by the natural urge of the language towards grammatical simplification. Perhaps. But â€Å"more greener†and â€Å"more safer†? I don’t think that has anything to do with evolutionary simplification of the language. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Types of Rhyme15 Types of Documents20 Names of Body Parts and Elements and Their Figurative Meanings
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Aristotle= form, matter, soul, body, potential, capacity, actuality, Essay
Aristotle= form, matter, soul, body, potential, capacity, actuality, process, end, exercise - Essay Example The soul is the form because it determines the actual being of the lady while her physical body is the matter that has potential of being. The fetus in the womb of the lady is a potential being because it cannot use its potential of being (Witt675). The unborn child is in the process of being because it has potential to develop into independent being. When the baby will be born, the fetus will have become the end because it will be able to exercise its capacity of a being to attain an independent form. However, both mother and the fetus form a composite and are a form and matter. In conclusion, the composite substance of a being can be described in different ways. Its body is the matter while the soul is its form. Soul determines the actual being of the person since it determines the end. It enables being to exercise its capacity of being. The body is a matter that has potential to develop a capacity through a defined
Friday, November 1, 2019
Legal Process Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Legal Process Paper - Essay Example In filing a charge, John must provide his name, address and telephone number as well as similar details about his employer. He must also include information about the number of employees at the organization, if he is aware of this. A brief description of the event that occurred on the basis of which he wishes to file his compliant, must be included and John must also describe when it happened and why and how he believes it violates his rights. However, John must take care to file his complaint within a period of 180 days after the discriminating incident occurred, and if this time period runs out, then his rights may no longer be protected. If the nature of John’s charge is such that it also falls within the purview of anti-discrimination, whether local or state based, then an extension would be allowed on the time period of filing to 300 days. Such state based organizations are referred to as Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs), and the work on a charge that is filed m ay be shared between the EEOC and the FEPAs, so that John’s interests would be protected under both federal and State laws. If John is filing a suit for discrimination on pay issues, then this would fall under the purview of the Equal pay Act, in which case there would be no time limits for filing and John would also be entitled to directly file his suit in a court of law. However, in cases of discrimination on other grounds, John must first allow his case to be processed by the EEOC, which will determine whether a violation has occurred. In the event there is a violation, efforts will be made by the EEOC to suggest measures for conciliation with the employer. If the resolution proposed by the EEOC is not satisfactory to John or if the EEOC is unsuccessful in getting an employer to comply and compensate John, then he will be notified of his right to file the suit in a court
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